Chapter 20- You are Home to Me

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For Your Love Chapter 20- You are Home to Me

(Alarm Clock) ANT, ANT, ANT, ANT....

The alarm clocked startled me out of the sleep that I wasn't aware I was in. I hurried to both quickly and carefully turn it off, in hopes of not waking her just yet. However, as read the clock read 5:30 pm and I turned to get back into the cuddle position I was just in, is when I was greeted with two beautiful, but slightly groggy eyes.

"BonJour Mon Amour (Hello My Love)"

"Bonjour," she whispered.

"How you feel," I asked as she shrugged her shoulder and remained silent. "Baby please Talk to me?"

"Please my head hurts," she whimpered as I replaced her hand with mine and lightly rubbed at her temple.

"It should cause you cry you self to sleep."

"Where is he?" She asked, referring to my brother who had cursed us both and fled the scene after she released the truth. I then (while undetected) carried a hysterical Truce (thanks to the help of both Milan and Waydi who happened to pull up in time and help distract her parents) up to her room. I removed both her and my wet clothing while leaving us in only our undergarments. I went and retrieved two towels as I dried both her and my hair while laying the other towel on top of her pillow just in case of access moisture. Through this whole process, she continued to cry.

I laid both myself down 1st, in her bed and her on top of me as I began to rock her both back and forth while saying nothing while allowing her the time needed towards mourning what just took place with my brother. I knew how much she loved him, just now it was clearer on which way she did. I rocked her and stroked her hair until she eventually fell off to sleep and I soon followed.

"I don't know, I truthfully answered. "But if I know my twin, then I know he is non going to miss tonight. He love Nala and Blo too much," I whispered as she rolled her eyes and lightly smacked against her forehead.

"Oh goodness, that's right.... the dinner is tonight. I have to call Na," she nervously spat.

"For what," I questioned as I felt an eerie feeling towards the reason of her need to call. It wasn't until she stared at me, non-responsively, for a period of time, did I clearly pick up on the nature of the planned call. "Truce you can non do this to Nala. Come on, you are like her sister and she will never forgive you if you non come, just to stay in this bed and cry," I spat while swiping a missed place hair of hers behind her ear. She took in a deep breath and rolled off of me and onto her back as I instantly missed the feel of her.

"That's the thing, I'm not going just so I can stay in bed," she whispered as insecurity, panic, and a slight jealousy immediately consumed me.

"Then what you have planned." I rushed.

"I'm leaving Larry," she confessed as my heart instantly dropped and begun beating fast. "I'm going back home to New York."

"What you mean?" I said while obviously understanding what she said, but speaking out of panic.

"Just what I said Larry. Everything has gotten way out of hand and I can't deal with this now."

"But what about Nala? How could you do something like this to her?" I spat. I quickly planned to lay as guilt as I could until she reconsidered. It was not like her to be this selfish and I would use that as my fight, starting with Nala.

"I am going to speak to Nala this time, instead of just leaving like I did before and hope she understands."

"That is a crock of bullshit and you know it. She you friend and you suppose to be there no matter what. Right now you being fucking selfish."

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now