Chapter 25- Surprise (Bonus Chapter)

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For Your Love Chapter 25- Surprise (Bonus Chapter)

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For Your Love Chapter 25- Surprise (Bonus Chapter)

Truce POV

(Women Laughter)

"So not true I did not drool on him," Nala Laughed.

"Don't front now Na, you told me that Diablo was hitting it so right that 1st night that you drooled and hoped he didn't notice," I laughed as the rest of the bridal shower (including Nala) burst into laughter.

"Yeah but not on him I drooled on the bed, a huge difference," she confessed as our laughter was nearly stomach aching.

"Well thanks for letting us know that Diablo was hitting it from the back," Milan joked while imitating a humping move as Nala blushed and hid her face in a pillow from the couch.

3 more months had passed and I had yet to be back in the states due to the accident and (now) wedding planning. Also, Larry and I had sold his condo and finally bought a home together here in Paris, just blocks away from both our childhood homes. Our next goal was to also find a place in New York since my work was stationed there. Milan however, stepped in by holding down the fort at JDI; Though we stayed in constant contact through either facetime, oovoo or email, which gave me something to do during my bedridden healing stages.

One of my greatest joys was to see that Both Milan and Nala seemed to have gained a bond after the car accident. Although an argument of missed place frustration (mostly because of stress about my condition and who was my best friend jealousy) did take place between the two at 1st, but they eventually joined together in peace to help take care of me just as much as the twins; That was until Milan eventually, had to fly back home in order to help run our Business. She now flew back out here to France for both weddings and her relationship with Waydi (that was now becoming so what serious). I guess she was right about Paris being the place for love.

Nala and I had decided to go with our childhood dream, somewhat. We choose to have a joint bridal shower (tonight) but get married on separate holidays. She chose to get married to her love on Christmas and I would be getting married to the love of my life on New Years. That way we could both be each other's maid of honor and there to support one another. Both Larry and Diablo agree to the plans as well, as tonight was also their bachelor's party.

"But the questions was, I never had sex so good that I drooled?" I laughed as everyone joined in. "So you have to drink Na Na it's only fair."

"This is blasphemy I tell you, Milan pass me my drink," she laughed as we all chanted the word "Go" and erupted in an uproar of cheers once she downed the hot liquid. "I am so fucking drunk," she laughed as Milan fell down beside her already in a drunken state herself. "I wonder what my man is doing?" Nala spat.

"Oh no, none of that," answered my Aunt Dee Dee. My Aunt had always felt more like a big sister rather than a second mom. Being that she was my mom's baby sister and was only about 10 years older than me, she fit comfortably in with us group of women. Whereas I wouldn't dare invite my mom to this type of shower. I knew just how wild this shower had the potential to go.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now