Chapter 7- Lies

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Larry POV

After dropping Truce home, all I could think about was her. Last night was all I could ever ask for. Truce is all I have ever wanted for so long and I had to go after her, even though I know this would be a tricky situation since her and my bro had so much feeling for each other. But Lau is with Jessica now and have been for a while, so this that Truce and I have isn't wrong. Right?

"Ici pilote (Right here Driver), "I yelp in order to get this fast driving taxi to stop in front of Maman's home. I tipped him as I signed an autograph for his daughter and headed inside. It was now 8 am and I was exhausted. Let's just say Truce and I got no sleep. After She revealed she was still a virgin I couldn't seem to bring myself to make love to her yet, so instead we just healed each other and filled each other in on the 4 years we missed out of each other's lives. I want to make her 1st time way more special and plan for it better.

"Where were you Larry?" Lau Startled me with his question as he was coming out of the kitchen freshly dress and drinking a glass of orange juice.

"Shit Lau you scared me bro," I spat as I grabbed my chest.

"Why are you just now coming in?" Again he questioned as I got slightly annoyed.

"Are you my Maman, Papa or girlfriend?" I said sarcastic. He didn't answer me he just stared at me with a blank expression. "And besides," I pointed my finger up & down towards his dressed attire, "Where are you going?" He smirked a devious grin.

"To see My baby," he chuckled with such cockiness. "You mean my baby boo?" I secretly thought to myself as I continue to stare at him, raised an eyebrow and rubbed my chin. Our staring matches were never any ordinary matches, Lau and I were having a full-blown telepathy conversation. I could feel his energy and I'm sure he could feel mines and Truce was the main topic.

"What you need to say to her?" I asked a bit confused and also a bit protective. He chuckled a little before answering.

"Everything," he said as he sipped what was left of his juice and turned to head back into the kitchen. Before I could think to follow him my phone rang a text message from Truce.

Text Conversation

T: Hi =) LOL

Me: LOL You miss me already my baby?

T: Maybe = P

Me: LOL It's Ok Baby I miss you too

T: Thank you for last night DADDY LOLLLL = o = p =)

Me: LOL I warn you baby and you non listen, next time Daddy non going to take it easy on you.

T: You promise? (My dick had gotten hard instantly. This girl was so fucking sexy even through text message.)

Me: Keep playing and I drive over there right now and show you.

T: LOL ok, ok, ok, I'll behave. I see you tonight Daddy, Oops I mean Larry. LOL, I love you.

Me: I love you so much baby boo. I see you tonight. Get some sleep.

T: Ok and dream about you. Mwah later baby.

Me: LOL I love you I'll see you later.

"I see baby still likes to wear Candy Winter Apple, huh?" he smirked as he walked past me to the front door.

"How you know about that?" I scarfed my face from confusion.

"Cause I can smell her on you." He said leaving out the door and not bother to turn around to see my guilty face, or wait for my reply. Apart of me wanted to run after him and apologize, explain what happened between Baby and I. I knew how much feeling my brother had for her. But a part of me felt like I did nothing wrong, he was the one who betrayed our friends and supposedly loved Jessica now.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now