Chapter 26 (Part 4)- All I Do

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For Your Love Chapter 26 (Part 4)- All I Do

Larry POV


"Ahhhhhhh," I heard her scream as I abandon the task of making us something to eat and took off running towards the bathroom in a panic.


"Baby it's me open the door Bella," I yelled.

"No! I'm fine Larry, please go away," she reassured although I knew better. I then placed my ear to the door as my heart broke when I heard what sound like her trying to lower the volume of her weeping. It had been 1 months after the car accident and only a week since she had been cleared (after showing great results in her physical therapy to walk again) to come home. She was a true fighter and though she had healed medically tremendously, she still had somewhat of a way when it came to her physical appearance; And it felt like no matter how much or how hard I tried to assure her of just how beautiful she was to me, she felt otherwise. Least to say our relationship took a slight turn due to her change from her internal feelings.

Truce was always one to be so loving, bold and carefree but lately, she was a completely changed person. Usually, she was the one always trying to help me come out of the tuff shell I lived in due to both my twin and I's "Trust No one" slogan. But nowadays I found myself struggling just to get her to lay next to me or even try to get her to just open up and talk. But if by chance she did, almost every answers would be either with a body movement or closed end answers. It was safe to say that I started to desperately miss the "best friend" part of our relationship.

I could give a fuck about her looks, honestly, just her being alive was all I could have ever ask for. Yes granted she was one, if not the most, beautiful woman on the planet to me, but what she was failing to realize was I felt this way because of who she was as a whole. Not to say I didn't love her now as she was, but our relationship (as it stood today) had its challenges. At the time I felt so alone and my heart broke when I try to talk to her about it, only to get a half apology and watch her slip into an even deeper depression because of it.

I noticed that even through her recent coldness towards me, she still cared very much about my feeling or opinion of her. I also noted that her recent behavior wasn't personal but out of vanity, which one could understand coming from such a passionate woman such as Truce. She was one who studied and worked hard for everything she had, including her breathtaking looks and to have it all taken in just an instant was something that I (from the bottom of my heart) sympathized with; And so I decided to try and keep my feeling more to myself in hopes that she would get over this phase of healing (in due time) and also not to cause more depression on her end. I even end up going back to work in order to give her some space as both her parents, Milan and Nala took over as her caretakers when they could.

But now that she was out of the hospital I couldn't seem to keep myself away from her even if I wanted to as I canceled many events, although it only seemed to annoy her even more.

"Baby please open-"


"AHHH FUCK THIS SHIT," I yelled as I grabbed my phone and car keys and left. I was done with her treating me this way when all I wanted to do was love and assure her I was here for her. I sat in my car for a few minutes before deciding to drive and grab some food from one of Truce and my favorite spots. I blast one of the songs I had on repeat nowadays, which was Tory Lanez- Initiation and decided I'd also stop by the flower shop to buy her some of her favorite flowers in hopes that it would also help to lighten her mood. As soon as I got the food, paid for the flowers and returned to my car, my phone ring from a call from Nala.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now