Chapter 8- Please Don't

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Truce POV

"Baby wake up," he whispered in my ear as I groaned in response. I hated to be woken up.

"What time is it," I asked him while still buried in his neck. "Damn he smells so good," I thought.

"It's 6:05pm baby we have to get ready to go for dinner," he spat. By now my room was pitch dark and my curtains blocked out any moon or street lights. I yawned and started to kiss his neck.

"Baby, what you doing?" He tensed up. Which caused me to laugh at his act of shyness.

"I was thinking about this all day. I know you want my 1st time to be special but that doesn't mean I can't still please you like you have me. I smirked into his neck and rolled both of us over so that I was now on top of him. I sucked, bit and licked his neck until all that came out of his mouth was moans.

"Baby I non think we.......... Oh shit....... we non should do this until we talk 1st," he said in between moans.

"I don't want to talk baby I just want to love you," I moaned into his ear before nibbling on it and softly grinding my center into his manhood. His hands came up to massage my ass as I whined and grind more seductively; One would have thought there was a reggae song being playing by how well he matched my rhythm. Just as I went to kiss him his phone rang and we both froze and let out a groan as one of his hands left my bottom to answer it. His phone screen read Frère (Brother).

Any other time I would catch bad anxiety whenever Lau would pop into my mind, but being with Larry just these two days had already started to change that. That was until I heard him say "Yes Larry?"

"What the fuck!" I slightly screamed as a statement more than asking a question. I startled him which lead to him dropping his phone, me rolling off of him and hurrying to turn on the lights. Sure enough, who was supposed to be Larry wasn't Larry, it was Laurent. I grabbed my mouth to keep from screaming as he hurried and jumped out of the bed to rush toward me. I placed my hand out in front of me to stop him.

"What the fuck are you doing here Lau?" I yelped trying to control my voice before anyone in the house heard me.

"Baby you said we talk today and so I come. Who else would you think I was?" He rushed

"Larry obviously," I yelped. He stood silently at 1st as he took in what I just said and his concerned face slowly turned into an angry one.

"Why the fuck would you think I my brother Truce?" He asked with authority as I stood there a bit conflicted. A part of me was fuming that he thought he had the right to ask such a question and a part of me wasn't sure as to why I instantly felt guilty. Overall It wasn't enough for me to back down.

"Don't act like you didn't know Lau," I spat.

"Know what? That you fucking my twin?" I don't know how it happened so fast, but before I knew it I filled the space in between us so quickly and slapped the shit out of him. The look Lau gave me was one that if I was a man my family would be planning my funeral by now.

"Don't you fucking dare Laurent. I never fucked you and I haven't fucked Larry either."

"Then why in the fuck would you be doing all that things you just done with me, to my brother?"

"Because soon Lau.......... I will be fucking him." I spat so cold as Ice that Laurent's eyes went wide with shock and he started to compulsively blank as if he couldn't believe what I just said. Even I couldn't believe what had just come out of my mouth as I tried to control my breathing from the results of being so livid. Lau finally broke our stare by dropped his eyes to the floor and shaking his head. We stood like that for a moment before he finally spoke.

For Your Love - by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now