Childhood homes

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2 weeks later


"okay so we need a back ground story, one they will believe" Catlin announced putting her bags into the boot of the car. She knew she should've talked to Barry about this sooner but I she'd been to busy coming up with ways to get out of this... situation.

"what will it be?" Barry asked as he got into the passenger seat and Catlin turned the engine on

"we met at jitters are local coffee shop on the 12 of August which was the best day of my life I dropped my purse and you picked it up for me and I thanked you with coffee then you asked me for my number and on our first date we went to the since museum we have been dating from 4 months and are very happy" Catlin said proud of her self

"how long have you been thinking about this for" asked Barry

"not long a day...ok a week fine...the day you said you would go with me it needs to be perfect"

"wow! You have to much time on your hands when we get back I will take you on a fake date to the since museum and it will be the best fake date ever" Barry grinned.

Catlin smiled back uneasy thanks to her nerves "thanks Barry what would I do with out you oh remember my mum is called June and my dad is called peter what ever you do don't call him Pete"

The rest of the drive was mostly silent then Barry broke the silance by saying "who's this famous sister of yours whom I have herd nothing about"

"Oh you will know...We are here"

"wow Caitlin I didn't know your family was rich" barrys jaw dropped at the sight.

"welcome to my child hood home" she said as Barry looked at the mansion in front of him then a man walked out of the towering building and said "welcome back miss snow and guest I trust your journey here was pleasant" Catlin smiled and said "of course Hugo do I have time to go to the stables before dinner" Barry looked at Caitlin then mouthed the words stables shocked "yes miss snow your sister is yet to arrive shall I take your bags to your room" Catlin went slightly red and remembers she forgot about the sleeping arrangements.

"sure Hugo and do me a favor don't tell my mother I have gone to the stables" Hugo bound his head slightly then took there bags and left towards the house Caitlin put a hand out Barry took it and they walked to the stables.


I have been checking for mistakes but if you find one please comment.

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