My secret,our secret

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"so Caitlin I never really saw you as a horse person or from a rich family or from the country".

"your one to judge Barry Allen Scarlett speedster, the flash" Caitlin listed opening the door to reveal a empty stable

"where are the horses?" Barry questioned puzzled.

"I said we where going to the stable I didn't say there would be horses here, come In Barry" she said with a big grin on her face.

"WHOA Caitlin did you do all this by yourself this is amazing" Barry said looking around the old stable on the ceiling was a 3D model of the solar system with planets and giant light up sun in the center. On the walls there where pictures of her and her family news paper articles on science stuff and drawings she had done when she was little and papers she must of written.

"is this your younger brother the one stood next to you in the photo" Barry said looking at one of the many pictures on the wall.

Caitlin nodded and wiped a tear that started to fall her cheek away "his name is Charlie"

"you haven't seen the best bit yet" she said dismissing the subject then she pulled out some ladders that lead to the roof

"after you" she said as she began to walk up the steps she sat on the roof next to Barry and they watched the sunset it was quite until Barry spoke up

"how long have you been coming up here?"

"since I was 9 when I couldn't take it any more my parents yelling at each other Emma being Emma it would just get to much so I would come up here watch the sun set sometimes I would even watch the stars this was my safe place"

She said as she placed her head on Barry's shoulder and they just sat there in silence until Catlin sighed "we should go to diner my mum will start biting her knuckles if I am late oh you cant tell her about this place she cant know and please don't mention Charlie" Caitlin went to climb down the ladder when suddenly Barry picked her up and ran her down the old stables. Catlin had a shocked look on her face then she looked at him and said with a smile "I did not ask for that"

Barry looked at her with his green  eyes that Caitlin got lost in instantly Caitlin took a deep breath in and realised he was still holding like a bride and said "lets go inside"

"yeah of course" Barry said putting her down gently then the walked back to the mansion that some how seemed bigger.

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now