Caity cait caitlin

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As they walked through the door of the mansion they was greeted by Catlin's mum who hugged her and said "caity dear I didn't know you where bringing a date home"

"mum I told you I was twice"

" i didn't think you where telling the truth" she looked barry up and down then looked back at Caitlin then back at Barry before putting her hand out.

"June snow"

" Barry Allen" he replied with a smile

"well then i will let you two go get dressed for dinner" she said in a high pitch voice.

Barry looked at Caitlin and when he was sure they where out of junes hearing range they burst in to laughter."did you see her face" Caitlin laughed

"caity I must admit you do not look like a caity" barry smiled

"please don't tell cisco and you will never ever call me caity" caitlin snapped

Barry just laughed he wasn't scared of Caitlin he thought she was cute when she was angry

"its not funny Barry" she said seriously he put his hands up to surrender she smiled at him they walked in to Caitlin's bedroom it was very big she had lilac and teal coloured walls and a king size bed in the middle with a closet on either side of the bed and a desk on the back wall and a door leading to a separate bathroom.

"wow" exclaimed Barry shocked as Caitlin rummaging through the draws looking for something "forgive me for saying this but this room it dose not seem like you at all"

"tell me about it my parents hired a decorated I wanted to tell them I didn't like it but I did not have the guts" she said while her head was still in the draws

"hey what you looking for babe?"

Caitlin stoped what she was doing looked up and said "babe?" With a puzzled look on her face.

"yeah I thought because we are fake dating and all I should call you babe and you could call me honey or whatever but... Your I'm going to kill you face says otherwise so no nick names"

she shook her head and smiled then continued looking for whatever it was she was looking for a minute later she shut the draw in frustration.

"I will just look for it later after dinner Barry you can get changed in the bathroom she said pointing to a door"

About ten minutes later Caitlin knocked on the door and said "Barry you can come out now" Barry came out the bathroom took one look at Caitlin and said "you beautiful cait" she was wearing a log blue dress with a silver strap and barry was wearing a black suit with a white shirt she looked at him then he realised what he had done "Caitlin I said Caitlin" then he put his arm out and they walked down the stairs to the dinning room.

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now