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Caitlin rested her head on barry's chest and she could feel his heart beating really fast "Barry" Caitlin whispered "mmm" he replied "are you ok?"

"yer why would I not be?" Barry asked confused

"your hearts beating faster then usual" Barry smiled and then whispered "I think you have something to do with that cait" she smiled then turned to watch the movie she could feel him staring at her so she turned the movie off.

"Why did you turn the movie off" barry mumbled "because you weren't watching it" Caitlin said "that's because I was watching something better"

Caitlin smiled and blushed at Barry's comment "so what do you have planned for tomorrow?" barry asked. "nothing I think apart from work"


"oh and why Is that Mr.allen?" "because I can have you to my self to night" barry smiled then kissed Caitlin until they were interrupted.

Iris with walked in with lots of shopping bags "little help" she said out of breath Barry sped into the kitchen with the bags then sat back down next to Caitlin.

"Caitlin my dad told me you where joining us for dinner is there a special Occasion?"

"w..well me and Barry" she stuttered before getting cut of by Barry

"Caitlin's my girlfriend" he yelled excitedly like a kid at Christmas.

"oh wow that's great you guys" iris said in shock "dinner will be ready in about a hour"

"no need" Barry said as he raced of and then was back a minuet latter with 2 pizzas. Iris gave him a very angry look.

"what" Barry asked insistently

"I spent all day shopping for tonight and then you go get pizza" she emphasised the word 'pizza'


Caitlin laughed

The next morning

Barry laid in bed with Caitlin next to him and her head on his chest he stroked her red ish hair as she slept Barry watched Caitlin sleep and turn in his arms he looked at the clock it said 4:30am why was he awake so early.

He loved watching Caitlin even if she wasn't doing anything thing Barry was mesmerized by her and the only Explanation for that was he was in love with her but he could not tell her not yet. Well he already had but he hadn't told her why.

Barry felt his eye lids getting heavy and he slowly drifted to sleep once again.

When he woke up he looked at the clock it said 9:00 which men Jo was about to set off for work he would to but he had a day off from ccpd but not star labs which he was sort of in charge of since evil wells turned out to be evil he turned over and watched as Caitlin's eyes slowly fluttered open and she yawned

"good morning beautiful" Barry smiled Caitlin looked at him and sat up. "breakfast" Barry whispered before kissing the top off her head.

Caitlin shook her head then said "no lets just stay here for a while" then she sunk deeper into bed and her head was back on Barry's chest Caitlin let out a sigh every thing was perfect.

Then Barry's phone buzzed "oh shoot I forgot about this its a reminder"

"for what" Caitlin asked

"Jo's birthday tomorrow me and iris are planning a surprise dinner for about a week from now at that new stake place so do you wanna eat breakfast now It won't take long"

"sure Barry" Caitlin smiled

"ok how do pancakes sound to you"

"perfect" she replied then got dressed and went down stairs to find a table with to plates with 3 pancakes on each.

"or that's so sweet Barry"

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now