Love is a dangerous place

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Previously on hearts that beat fast "I don't want him to" Caitlin admitted

"don't want him what" felicity asked placed her cheek in her hand

Caitlin took a shaky breath in "I don't want him to love me


The room was silent for a minute and everyone just looked at Caitlin until felicity whispered "why not did Barry hurt did he do something"

Caitlin shook her head a bot her lip "every one that says they love me leaves or we fall out I don't want that for me and Barry and I no you might say its not true But it I everyone that has ever told me they loved me are not in my life right now I only have Barry and that's why I cant love him and be scared to lose him at the same time" tears fell down Caitlin's cheeks.

"I will go get you a tissue where do you keep them?" Asked iris

"um bottom draw on the right" Caitlin said pointing

Iris opened the draw and found the small box that Caitlin had brought back from her parents house along with the letter that Caitlin sister had given her but iris paid no attention to that just the old wooden box "Caitlin what is this its beautiful" iris said holding the box.

"Oh that its just something my father brought back from china for me" Caitlin said wiping away the tears 

"well what's inside it can we look." Iris asked
Caitlin shook her head "I'd rather you not its kind of personal"
"OK" iris nodded and set the box Down on Caitlin's desk

Felicity sat next to Caitlin on the bed and iris joined them "barry would never hurt you he loves you know that right" felicity pulled her into a hug Caitlin nodded her head

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Felicity sat next to Caitlin on the bed and iris joined them "barry would never hurt you he loves you know that right" felicity pulled her into a hug Caitlin nodded her head.

Then iris and Caitlin left to got get changed out of there pajamas while Caitlin boiled the kettle then there was a nock at the door Caitlin guessed it was the post man but when she opened it she was face to face with Barry and her eyes were still as little red from crying and she was still in her pajamas her eyes widened when she saw Barry's facial expression change from bubbly to sympathetic.

"Are you ok?" Barry asked looking at Caitlin he could see she had been crying.

Caitlin felt like she was going to break down in tears she could feel them welling in her eyes Barry was still standing in the door way and they where just staring at  each other "hey Caitlin who's at the do..." Felicity stopped when she saw Barry standing there iris walked into the room and saw the situation then said "hey Felicity let's go get started on that clothes shopping while we let them to talk"

"Sure" felicity nodded then smiled at Caitlin on the way out then she looked at Barry who looked really confused

After they left Barry walked in and stepped closer to Caitlin she took a step back she was being very very guarded Barry took one more step closer she took another step back .

"Cait its okay I would never hurt you know that right" Barry put his hand out to Caitlin and a tears rolled down her cheeks Barry took a step closer this time she did not move away Barry shut the door behind him Caitlin looked like she was about to break down crying and that's because she was.

Barry didn't think twice he walked up to Caitlin and embraced her in his arms Caitlin didn't hug him back at first and she was really tense until he said "Caitlin I am not going any where I promise"

Caitlin hugged him back tightly afraid to let go batty listened to her sobs and stroked her hair Barry's chin was on top of Caitlin's head as he soothed her until her breathing became even again and her sobs where more quite Caitlin stepped away from Barry and looked up at him and whispered "thank you"

Barry pulled her back into a hug and said "any time" Caitlin smiled and they both walked into the living room and flicked through all the movie channels "there is noting on" Caitlin frowned

"Then maybe its a Sign saying that you need to tell your boy friend why you where crying" Barry suggested

"Or maybe its a sign saying we should just watch a DVD" Caitlin smiled weakly

Barry sat closer to her until there bodies touched and both of barrys arms where wrapped around her "you gonna tell me what's been bothering you" Barry whispers

"I don't want you to die Barry" Caitlin whimpered

Barry held Caitlin tighter shocked by her words "Caitlin snow you are never ever going to lose me ever I promise even if you move to the other side of the world because as soon as you give me a call I will be there in a flash you wanna no why" Barry whispered

"I already no why" Caitlin breathed "because you love me" Barry smiled


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