The hard part

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As they walked hand in hand to the dinning room Caitlin's mum stared at them when Caitlin sat down she let go of Barrys hand and then stated bitting her lip Barry gave her a reassuring look before she asked "will Emma be joining us?"

"she should be here any minute" said June.

There was a awkward silence for about 3 minuets before Caitlin's mum said "so how long you have you two. been dating" but before Caitlin could answer a young blond woman walked in and said "so sorry I am late and James couldn't come but he sends his love Caitlin hi and who is this" said the tall ish blond woman looking at Barry.

"Barry Barry Allen"

"Emma Jordon"

Barry was so shocked he could believe Caitlin's sister was Emma Jordon the woman out of all the hair adverts and about 12 movies that Barry knew of.

He looked at Caitlin shocked.

Then Emma asked Caitlin how long they had been dating for. "Almost 10 months" Caitlin blurted out everyone looked shocked even Barry but he tried his best to hide it.

"why didn't you tell us this love" Caitlin's dad said what everyone was thinking.

she looked at Barry who was sure they had been fake dating 4 months so he had a confused look on his face. then she said "we wanted to see how it went" Barry just nodded along In agreement.

Then the main course arrived and they ate I silence Barry would often look at Caitlin who was either bitting her lips or picking up a fork with shaking hands.

when they finished eating Caitlin's mum said "so should I expect grand children any time soon" Caitlin and Barry looked at each other with wide eyes and Caitlin almost choked on her food and coughed Barry laughed a little and Caitlin drank half a glass of wine at once then Barry said shyly "we haven't talked about that yet" hinting for them to drop the subject.

"me and Barry just want to take it slow" which Caitlin almost laughed at because he was the flash

Emma noticed how uncomfortable they where and then she said "why don't we go through to the living room until dessert arrives"

"yeah lets do that" Caitlin said drinking more wine Barry took the glass of  her and mumbled  "ok I think you have had enough of that" Caitlin's dad watched Barry take care of his daughter and found it sweet Barry helped Caitlin in to the living room.

Then suddenly Caitlin said something she was going to regret later she said "I don't think its fair what you... what we are doing to Charlie its not his fault you no" every one looked at Caitlin then her mother said "you know why he is know longer apart of this family catty"

"because he is gay isn't good enough we live in the 21st century" Caitlin yelled Barry looked really shocked then realised Caitlin was not drunk just angry and barry didn't no what to do so he put his arm around her to try calm her down Emma looked really uncomfortable.

Everyone was silent until Barry said "i think me and Caitlin are going to go to bed early tonight its been a long day so i think we will skip desert if that's ok" Caitlin's mother nodded awkwardly when Caitlin and Barry got in to the bedroom Caitlin took of her shoes and collapsed on the bed Barry sat down next to her.

"someone had to say something about it, its not right" a tear began to run down her face Barry wiped it away.

Caitlin moved close to him and rested her head on his chest and cried quietly and he stroked her soft dark hair trying to calm her down. "hey its not your fault you just did what was right she looked up at him. Into his deep brown eyes they got closer and closer together until they pressed there soft lips against each other and they kissed.

it felt overdue and they both could not get enough of it of each other.

When they pulled apart Caitlin kissed him back the kiss got deeper... (you no what happens next)


Arrrr it finally happened I was not sure how to write it though I hope it was ok and I no her hair is brown ish Red ish now but I liked it in season 1

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