A shoulder to cry on

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When they arrived at Caitlin's house "barry carefully shock her leg to wake her up her eyes opened and she yawned she asked Barry if he would like to come in he said yes because he knew she was very emotional and he did not want her to do anything recluse so he thought he might stay for a drink it was only 11:30am and if there was a problem he was sure cisco would call.

Barry helped Caitlin with her bags and she carried her purse the letter and the small box Barry wondered what was inside them and why they where so important he wanted to ask her but Barry decided he would ask her at the right time.

After Caitlin opened the door to her house she through the keys on the the table and collapsed on to the sofa Barry put her bags down then sat next to her she moved closer to Barry then she rested her head on his shoulder after a while she said to him.

"it means alot to me you no...you having the courage to come with me to my parents house for dinner thankyou" she smiled at Barry then held his hand "any time cait and I don't think your family is not as bad you think" Caitlin laughed

"I mean i learnt alot of stuff about you this weekend like you have siblings you had a butler called hugo" their fingers intertwined Caitlin watched with sadness she missed Ronnie and after what happened with jay she was not going to let her self fall deeply in love with Barry to but she was afraid she was to late

Barry leaned in to kiss Caitlin but as soon as there lips where about to touch Caitlin pulled away and said in a shaky voice "how about those drinks" she said as she walked in to the kitchen hoping Barry was not following her and he wasn't she felt tears running down her cheeks as the poured drinks Barry knew something was up so he sped in to the kitchen.

he found Caitlin crying as soon as she knew Barry could see her she wiped the tears away and tried to act natural but Barry knew she was upset so he said "cait"in a soft voice and he took the drinks of her and placed them on one side.

"Look me" he said in a soothing voice while putting his hands on her shoulders and slowly turning her to face him.

Her eyes were red Barry hugged her and she cried they sat on the kitchen floor while Barry held her and stroked her hair."sh sh sh its ok Caitlin its ok"

"she slowly began to calm down then Barry whispers "what's wrong"

he couldn't hear her that well through the sobs all the herd was. " I cant do this... Ronnie...jay"

Barry looked down at her she calmed down and mumbled "when ever I get close to someone they Leave me and I lose apart of myself and I cant lose you Barry that's why we have to let each other go"


I no I don't have many readers but I am going to write this any way I hope you liked this chapter I was thinking about adding another character like cisco or iris maybe Jo let me no what you think :]

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