Happily ever after

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8 months later Caitlin's due date

"hey beautiful" Barry said kneeling down next to Caitlin who was laid across the sofa with her hands on her bump watching the TV.

"do you know how hard it is to be 9 months pregnant I cant do anything! I have a weird craving for pretzels! My back hurts my feet hurt and I just want my old body back I have a hole human being growing inside of me!" Caitlin complained

"I know honey you've been telling me this for 2 months and I hate seeing you miserable but just think by this time tomorrow we could have a baby girl or boy" Barry smiled

Caitlin frowned at him "i will go get you some pretzels" Barry said scared of his wife while she was in a mood.

Barry flash away for about 2 minuets then returned with some pretzels and cola Caitlin happily took the food and drink off him.

"thankyou Barry we love you" Caitlin whispered

"i love both to" he replied and kissed her forehead Caitlin smirked then grabbed his hand and guided it to her baby bump they felt the baby kicking it made Barry laugh.

He laid on the sofa next to Caitlin and wrapped his arms around her "Barry I know We still haven't decided yet but what are we going to name the baby?"

"well i was thinking for a girl maybe Emma and for a boy Luke" Barry suggested

"definitely not Emma there was this girl at school who was mean to me she was called Emma and my sisters called Emma but I like the name Luke" Caitlin smiled

"ok so what do you want to call our baby?" Barry asked

"for a boy Declan and for a girl I put a lot of thought into this so you can't laugh no matter how ironic it may sound" Barry nodded "Scarlett... Because you know your the Scarlett speedster and also I like the name" Caitlin admitted (AN-I was just laid in bed one day and the name Scarlett came to me so don't steal my idea😬🖕👀)

"Caitlin you couldn't of picked a better name Scarlett is a beautiful name"

Caitlin blushed she liked that Barry had that effect on her even though they were married and she was pregnant.

"so Scarlett and Luke that's what his or her's name Is going to be" Caitlin beamed

They both fell asleep on the sofa barrys arms wrapped around Caitlin and hers around her stomach.

Caitlin woke up in pain she sat up "Barry" she breathed he didn't wake up "Barry!" This time she said it louder and hit him on the arm "what?" He croaked.

"its time" she stated

"what time for what its 11pm... Oh you mean the baby" Barry didn't feel tired anymore he shot up.

"oh my gosh ok umm speed is a bad idea so... Car yes I can drive a car come on lets go" Barry said in a panic.

Caitlin screamed in pain and squeezed barrys hand then they slowly walked out side to the car Caitlin clinging on to Barry "your going to be ok" Barry soothed stroking Caitlin's arm.


3 hours later

The hospital room was silent now Caitlin was holding her new baby girl and Barry was towering over them.

"hello Scarlett that's your name by the way and I'm your mummy and this is your daddy we love you very very much" a tear fell down Caitlin's cheek.

She handed Scarlett to Barry so he could hold her for the first time "she's so beautiful" Barry whispered

"yeah she is and she I all ours" Caitlin beamed then there was a nock on the door it was cisco jo iris and iris "hey don't forget uncle cisco" cisco joked

"and grandpa Jo also aunt iris and felicity and uncle wally" Jo smirked

Barry showed his daughter to Jo. He smiled "I'm way to young to be a grandpa" that made everyone laugh

"what's her name?" Cisco asked

"Scarlett- Scarlett hope Allen" Barry announced

"hope?" Caitlin asked

"yer because you know she gives everyone hope I thought It would be nice fit" Barry said

"its beautiful"

"guys I might have to give up my role as the name giver you know because that is so beautiful I could cry I mean Scarlett red like the color its just beautiful" cisco swooned

"Caitlin chose it" Barry admitted

Barry handed Scarlett back to Caitlin "welcome to the world Scarlett" Caitlin greeted

The end


Thats the end I know this book is really bad and corny but I liked writing it.

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now