its in the stars

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Caitlin and Barry got home and the minuet they got home Barry swept caitlin off her feet Caitlin was shocked at first Barry varied her to the sofa and gently placed her down.

"are you ok" Barry asked

"of course why wouldn't I be i have a amazing new fiancé wonderful friends and my amazing fiancé reunited me with my little brother today and I couldn't be more grateful also its my birthday im now officially 26" Caitlin said happily

"are you tired" Barry asked sitting down next to Caitlin she put her legs over his lap and laid down.

"no I'm not that tried" she replied

Barry smiled and ran off about 5 minuets later Barry returned with a small set of roses and put his hand out gesturing for Caitlin to take it she stood up and he held her hand and they walked down the dim lit streets of central city until they arrived at the tallest building in central city Barry sped them to the top where there was a blanket and rose petals laid out.

"what's all this?" Caitlin asked

"we are going to look up at the stars" he replied

Barry pulled Caitlin's hand towards the blanket and they both laid down they talked about the stars for ages then they just sat there in a comfortable silence. "what are you thinking about" Barry asked

Catlin turned her head to him "the future and that its going to rain... What are you thinking about?" Caitlin whispered

"I'm thinking about the future as well and what it would be like to get married to you have kids with start a family and just be normal" Barry whispered back

Caitlin sat up "kids?" Caitlin questioned Barry also sat up "yeah why not"

"its just i never really saw my self as being a mum before I never really wanted kids and babies hate me" Caitlin muttered Barry looked at her.

"we don't have to talk about this now cait" said Barry

"I know but you want to talk about it you want to have kids and a family" Caitlin said standing up

Barry stood up as well "now what I want is to make my future wife happy I want to make sure your always safe and more then anything I want you to know your loved" said Barry he wrapped his arms around Caitlin and spun her around she giggled.

"Let's go home" caitlin whispered Barry smiled... ( Mamma Mia)

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now