Telling people

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When they got to star labs Barry had his arm over Caitlin and she was holding the hand that was around her they walked in to the cortex looking happy and so In love but what they didn't realise was cisco was in the cortex waiting to greet them Barry removed his arm and Caitlin and Barry went bright red.

Cisco looked at them raised his eyebrows smiled widely. Then he ran and hugged them and said " I am so happy for you guys ...wait is this going to be awkward because if you guys are going to be all lovey dovey at work because I am going to have to start missing breakfast"

Catlin giggled "did we miss anything" asked Barry and he put his hands in his pocket "no its like the super human criminals where waiting for you to get back if you think about it nothing interesting has happens in a month why don't you guys take the day off"

"sounds good to me" Barry said looking at Caitlin she nodded "by you two" cisco did with a grin on his face.

"so I was thinking we can go back to my place (Joes place) and watch a movie or your place in case Joe comes home and finds out that's if you want to keep it a secrete I don't mind either way is cool by me"

Caitlin smiled " we don't have to keep it a secret Barry"

"good because I am so excited to tell people that you are my girlfrie..." Barry froze when he realised what he had said he looked at Caitlin. Who was staring him in the face in shock but not bad shock good shock. Then she opened her mouth and said "yes Barry you can tell people I am your girlfriend"

"good" he said then kissed her and they walked through the door Joe was sat on the sofa they where holding hands Joe gave them a smug smile Caitlin just looked at the floor and smiled.

"Its about time you to god I should of bet on it will you like to join us for dinner Caitlin" she looked at Barry , barry shrugged. "sure I would love to" "great I will tell iris because its her turn to cook wait dose iris know about you guys yet" Barry shook his head.

Joe smiled again "I will get out your way have fun you to"

"so what movie do you want to watch we have back to the future, fast and furious and men in black"

"men in black sounds good to me" said caitlin Barry turned the movie on and a few minutes in she could feel his stare. "what is it Barry your stearin" she said while Turing to look at him.

In Caitlin's head

Today has been amazing but I am afraid of going to fast we have already slept together told our friend and parents been on a date kissed talked about our pasts in under 48 hours and the thing is I feel fine with it and I don't no why I just feel so happy I hope Barry dose to I think he dose he staring at me right now why dose he keep doing that.

In Barrys head

I hope Caitlin is not freaked oy by our relationship everything has just gone so fast its just so easily to talk to her and I love her so so much I have for a while now and I don't know what I would do without her. I cant even concentrate on the movie all I can look at I her she is going to think I am some crazy person. Ooops she has just noticed my starting I have to play it cool.

Back in reality

"nothing its just your so beautiful my life is perfect now" Barry said joyfully Caitlin blushed

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now