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When they got back to Caitlin's house they got in to there pajamas and had a bit of a gossip until iris said what her and felicity where both thinking

"so Caitlin what's going on with you and Barry" they both stared at her until she answers.

"I think we are going to fast" Caitlin admitted

"Well how long have you to been dating for" asked felicity

"2 weeks" she replied

"well have you...you know had sex with him" felicity asked Caitlin went bright red and nodded

"what else" iris asked intrigued

Caitlin bit her lip and said slowly "he told me... he loved me"

"after how long first date second date a week?" Asked iris Caitlin didn't reply

Felicity looked shocked then asked "how"

"well he came to my house for a drink after we had visited my parents and I was upset and he told me he loved me"

"are you sure he meant it" felicity asked softly

Caitlin nodded looking down at her Chris crossed legs because they where all sat on Caitlin's bed

"but you guys hadn't been on a date yet so are you sure he didn't mean like a friend" Caitlin looked up and pulled a face as if to say 'well'

"what aren't you telling us Caitlin come on spill" iris demanded

"something happened at my parents house" she looked them both in the eyes

"wait you mean... You didn't... Caitlin you had sex with Barry at your parents house wait... Let me get this straight you went to your parents house with Barry and you where just pretending to be a couple and then slept with him then came back and he told you he loved you then you went on your first date WOW you guys are much more complicated than me and Oliver" felicity exclaimed

"yer lets talk about you and Oliver" Caitlin said nervously

"no way we will deal with that later what happened on your first date with Barry" iris practically squealed.

"we went to a restaurant in coast city and he told me its where his parents had there first date and he said he always said he would bring the love of his life here and that we would love each other for ever and we would spend are hole lifes together"

"ooor" iris and felicity said in unison

Caitlin looked at them searching for answers in there faces until felicity spoke.

"did you tell Barry you loved him to"

"yer I did" Caitlin smiled

"yell I don't think you have anything to worry about then you clearly love each other alot I mean your practically engaged already" iris hit felicity lightly in a way of telling her to shut up

"what" Caitlin asked quietly

"he told you he wanted to love you forever that's what married people do" iris answered

Caitlin froze and thought for a second "do you think he will propose any time soon because I honestly don't know what my answer would be I love Barry..."

"that's your answer you would say yes because you love him" felicity interrupted Caitlin smiled

"thankyou I feel alot better now... Lets talk about you being pregnant"

Felicity groaned "yes the baby's Oliver's no I don't no the gender no I don't have names yet yes I am keeping the baby no I don't no what I will tell Oliver when he comes back now can we please talk about iris and Eddie now" felicity said really fast

"you no what I am tired lets just watch Netflix's for a while then go to sleep" iris stated every one agreed and climbed into Caitlin's double bed.

"so felicity was this a one time thing or are you at Oliver..." Caitlin asked

Felicity signed "me and Oliver are me and Oliver but now we are me Oliver and baby but Oliver doesn't know about the Baby part so... I am guessing we are now me Oliver and whatever comes next I don't even know if he is still alive." Felicity started to cry Caitlin and iris comforted her.


This crosses over with my fanfic the ones we love olicity thankyou so much keep reading

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