When the truth comes out

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Barry woke up the next morning They were both in there under wear in Caitlin's bed and Caitlin was a sleep with her head on his chest. Barry had never felt more at peace watching Caitlin sleep her eyelids slowly fluttered open and she looked at Barry and he kissed her on the forehead.

"hey Cait" Barry said with a smile she smiled back then they just laid there for a while until Caitlin said "you can call me cait if you'd like but don't tell cisco" Barry laughed. Then muttered  "we should get dressed then go get some breakfast"

Caitlin frowned "what about packing we should pack first" and with that Barry packed the bags and had gotten him and Caitlin dressed

"super speed remember now can we go get breakfast?" Barry whined

"why do you hate me" Catlin said playfully "so breakfast then?" Barry cheered Caitlin smiled and nodded

when they got down stairs there were perfectly set place mats and food like toast and boiled eggs in the middle of the table "I am sorry about last night" Caitlin said then every stoped eating and looked at her but said nothing until Caitlin broke the silence once again saying "were is Emma"

"she had to leave early this morning because something came up there was a emergency rehearsal or something" mumbled june

"will you be staying another day sweetheart?" Peter questioned

she looked at Barry then anwsere "no we need to go back to work" there was silence after that for about 10 minuets Barry would shoot some awkward glances at Caitlin and she would shoot some back at him.

"so Barry what do you do for a living" said Caitlin's dad

"I work for CCPD I am CSI "

"I had a friend who worked as csi i don't any more" there was another awkward silence.

"me and Barry should start to head home now" she stated

"thank you for having me Mr & Mrs snow it was nice meeting you" Barry smiled and shook peters hand.

"your certainly welcome young man come back any time" Barry smiled as he helped Caitlin put the bags in the car.

"give me a minuet Barry i think I forgot something" she kissed Barry then ran back inside to her old bedroom she rummaged through the draws until she found a letter and a small box she ran back to the car and sat behind the wheel and drove away.

"thankyou so much for coming with me Barry"

"any time but why did you say we had been dating 10 months I thought we decided 4"

she pulled on in to a old road and said " when I was growing up I didn't really like Emma she was always the favourite and she still is that's why me and Charlie would go to the stables it was our place the place Emma never came to because she hated animals but one day Charlie opened up to me about him being gay Emma herd told her parents then Charlie had to leave I know I shouldn't but I blame Emma and I thought of her being Married and famous when I saw her and then I panicked"

Tears started to roll down her face and Barry hugged her then whispered "you have something that she doesn't have you have me" there was silence for a long moment the Barry continued "and cisco and iris felicity loads of people who care about you" Caitlin wiped her tears then Barry Caitlin said "can you drive I think I just need some rest"

"sure" answered Barry they swapped seats then Caitlin rested her head against the window the rest of the journey home was silent but a nice silence Barry would look over occasionally to make sure she was Comfortable but more important safe.


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