Old friends

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4 months later

"Barry I need to go" Caitlin wined as Barry kissed her neck and she giggled at his you touch Caitlin claimed of her sofa and grabbed her bag "we have to go Barry Cisco would kill us I we are late he been looking  forward this all week and so has wally and me" Caitlin said while taking Both of his hands and pulling him up right.

"5 more minuets" Barry compiled Caitlin laughed and lead him out the door and sat in the car.

"so why are you bringing harry and Jesse over from earth 2?" Asked Caitlin

"because wally has been Pining over Jesse for ages and I want to no how earth 2 is doing" caitlin smiled and ran her fingers through Barrys hair he looked over at her and smiled.

When they got to the room where the breach appears wally was already there grinning like a idiot Caitlin just looked at Barry and put her hand in his and rested her head on his shoulder and the 3 of them talked about random things until cisco and iris arrived.

"oooo! wally what's with the fancy fancy is some one trying to impress Jesse" wally smiled and looked at the floor

"ok you ready"asked cisco rubbing his hands together and smiling.

"yep" Barry nodded

"no wait" Caitlin said and they both looked at her and Caitlin kissed Barry then hugged him and whispered "be safe" his ear and he rubbed her back pulled away and nodded.

"lets do this" cisco exclaimed putting his glasses or what ever there called on and opening the breach and Barry ran through it almost instantly Caitlin held her breath and iris comforted her.

Earth 2 s.t.a.r labs

Barry arrived at earth 2 Star labs which was cooler then ever (btw) Barry walked to the front desk and said to the woman behind it "I need to see doctor wells its urgent" said Barry

"ok what's your name?" Questioned the woman at the desk.

"Barry Allen"

"I don't see an appointment" said the woman swiping on the Ipad.

"yeah if you just mention my name and that Im here to see him and Jesse he will understand"

The secretary looked weary but  smiled and walked into one of the big rooms.

Barry looked around for a while then the sectary walked back I and said "dr.wells is busy in a meeting but he will be with you in 30 minuets and he told be to tell you and I quote don't mess my world up Allen dose that mean anything to you"

Barry smiled "its a personal joke" the secutary sat back down behind her desk. Barry decide to go explore earth 2 a little more and see what his Doppelganger was up to so he went to CCPD to been nosy.

When he got there he spotted iris first "Barry" Barry shook his hand in super speed and made sure nobody noticed. "flash Barry?" Iris asked.

"yeah I'm  just visiting and I wanted to see how you and nerdy Barry are doing" Barry joked

"only I call my husband nerdy and we are doing fine actually..." Iris was cut of by earth 2 Barry walking up with a little boy in his arms luckily they were the only people there because the where in iris office barrys jaw dropped and he pointed at Barry then iris "is he your son?

"yes and no" iris replied

"Logan's adopted" said Barry looking at his son

"if you don't mind me asking why?" Barry said still a bit shocked

Iris looked at her Barry "iris cant have kids" he explained.

"I'm o sorry" said Barry

"so how Long you staying" asked nerdy Barry

"I just came to... explore I'll be gone in about 10 minuets" he replied

"so hows your iris doing?" asked earth 2 iris

"oh no she's not my iris she's eddies and I have Caitlin and we are all doing fine" Barry replied smiling at Caitlin's name.

"Eddie thawn" asked nerdy Barry

"yeah why"

Earth 2 Barry laughed a bit "because he tried to kiss my iris and she broke his nose"

"wow... ok good for you... I guess I am going to go back to s.t.a.r labs look for Jesse"

"jesses wells?" Asked iris

"yeah why"

"trust me she's not going to be at s.t.a.r labs she sort of changed when she came back to this earth" iris admitted

"where will she ne is she ok?" Barry asked

Iris frowned "she works at a pub her dads not to happy about it but like I said she's changed I can give you the address" iris stated then gave a Piece of paper to Barry he took it smiled the sped of to the address.

When he got there it was a small pub when Barry walked in he mainly saw a bunch of old couples and a few old men talking very loudly on the phone Barry walked up to th counter and asked for Jesse the woman smiled and said she was in the kitchen but she could go get her Barry nodded and Jesse walked out and greeted Barry with a hug and a smile.

"what are you doing here Barry is everything okay?" Jesse asked Concerned.

"yeah every things fine I was wondering if you and your father would like to come visit earth one but I must warn you if you say no wally will hit me with a car" Jesse smiled

"I would love to, just let me go tell my boss I am taking time off how long is this trip for?"

"I dunno about a week" said Barry jesse smiled and went to go talk to her boss.

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now