The hart

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Barry looked at Caitlin in shock for a while before saying

"cait I love you and I promise you are never ever going to lose me I will not let that happen I promise" Caitlin looked at Barry and thought to her self did he really just tell me he loved me do I love him am I aloud to love him we haven't been together long are we even together.

Then in one swift motion all her thoughts where silenced by Barry's lips when they stoped kissing Caitlin took a deep breath and then whispered "I love you to" Barry smiled and he kissed her again. Then he said looking at the time "it is only 12:10 do you want to go get some dinner"

They stud up then Caitlin said "of course Barry I would love to"

"ok then lets consider this a date" Catlin smiled at the word date she felt so lucky

"just let me grab my bag then we can go so where are we going" Caitlin said as she locked her door "i no the perfect place" he said as he picked her up and ran to a small beautiful restaurant in coast city.

"where are we" Caitlin said fixing her hair

"coast city" Barry replied joyfully.

"why" asked Caitlin still in shock from the run

"because this place is special to me and you are very special to me so its like the best combination ever" said Barry with a grin.

Caitlin smiled back and he took her hand and led her in to the restaurant.

They got seated right away which surprised Barry because the place was so perfect. They where past 2 menus then Caitlin said "so why is this place so special to you"

"my parents had the first date here my mum was from coast city my parents met just across the street her bag ripped and all her shopping fell on the floor my dad helped her pick it up and offered to take her to dinner because all her food was on the floor they came here then 2 years they were married and then I was born."

Caitlin smiled she knew it was hard for Barry to talk about his family. "they would bring me here I would always get the same food as my dad because it made me feel grown up they would tell me stories of when they met I haven't been here in a while I always said that I would bring the woman I love here and we would love each other forever"

Catlin felt special being the woman Barry loved she tried to hide her smile she was about to speak when a woman said "what would you like to order" they said what they wanted and then she walked away.

"Barry are you sure" Caitlin said softly

"about what"

"that you love me and that you want to be with me forever Barry I am broken and I have been for along time" he looked at her with guilt in his eyes and a forced smile then he said to her "cait your not broken and I have never been so sure about anything in my hole life but if we are going to do this I need you to know that I love you very much and I think you are perfect" Caitlin cried a little and she wiped the tears away and nodded.

Barry kissed her they talked until there food arrived then when they left the restaurant and Barry held her hand and they just walked around coast city for a while holding hands until they came across a flower stall and Barry brought her a beautiful flower because he knew it was he favourite.

Then Barry picked Caitlin up and ran to s.t.a.r labs


Ooooor that is so sweet ;)

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now