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"hi I'm looking for Charlie" said Barry.

"your looking at him who's asking" asked the tall ish man with brown hair and pale skin.

"your looking at him who's asking" asked the tall ish man with brown hair and pale skin

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"um I'm Barry Barry Allen" put his hand out for him to shake. There was a bit of awkward silence until Charlie said

"so why are you here" said Charlie

"um Caitlin your sister well she's my girlfriend and I wanted to surprise her because its her birthday and we are throwing a birthday dinner on Saturday night and Im going to propose and I would like you to be there" said Barry

Charlie thought about for a minuet then smiled really big "I would love to I have missed caity a lot and I would like to be in her life again everyone deserves a second chance but will she be happy to see me I mean I really wanna see her"

Barry smiled but then remembered another thing that could change it all "off course she will i know for a fact she misses you and um there's something else you should no your parents and Emma are also going" Barry mumbled

Charlie's smile faded away at the mention of his family he took a see breath in and said "I am not going for them I am going for Caitlin she's my sister and she would be there for me" Barry smiled

"Great I already have your number don't ask how I no people I will text you later about when and where And thankyou so much for this Charlie"

Present day

"Hey cait do you wanna stop for ice cream" asked Barry putting His arm around caitlin

"Sure but my parent's will be here in about 3 hours so we better be quick" replied caitlin

"You no I am the flash right" Barry laughed

Caitlin smiled then ordered her ice cream they walked back to Caitlin's car eating ice cream. Sooner or later they arrived at there apartment there was a posh black car outside Barry looked very confused. "No no no no this can't be happening they are early" caitlin panicked

"Is that your parents" asked Barry caitlin nodded and they got out the car caitlin froze when they parents emerged from the car but Barry squeezed her hand and she felt safe so she walked towards them still holding Barry's hand then Emma appeared out of the back seat it was really awkward for a moment until they all headed inside caitlin kept a term grip on Barry's hand s they walked through the door "so caity this is where you live its so..cozy" said caitlin mum as she sat down Emma sat down with her.

Emma stared at caitlin and Barry's joint hands until caitlin said "so Emma where's your husband"

"Work" Emma simply replied.

"So Barry how's your csi work going" asked Caitlin's dad

"oh its going great we got new equipment in the lab so everything is ahead of Schedule" Barry smiled

"so your hear early... why" asked Caitlin not knowing what else to do or say.

"oh you can ask Emma she kept nagging at us to come early" stated Caitlin's mum.

Caitlin looked at Emma really confused.

"I am going to go make us some tea" Caitlin announced standing up and letting go of barrys hand.

"I will come with you" said Emma also standing up and following Caitlin to the kitchen Caitlin's mum followed so it was just Barry and Peter (Caitlin's dad) alone in a awkward silence after Barry made sure they where all out of hearing distance Barry opened his mouth and spoke nervously.

"can I ask you something sir" he looked up at Barry and nodded his head not knowing what to expect "ok here goes I guess I would like your permission to ask Caitlin to be my wife" Barry said in one breath. Barry gulped not knowing what he was going to say.

"son... I have never seen Caitlin act the way she does with you and I can see you love each other alot and to be honest Caitlin could do alot worse"

"okay" Barry nodded

"so yes Mr Allen I give you permission to marry my daughter when will you be proposing"

"tonight at dinner" Barry said with a huge smile on his face he could not believe he was actually going to do this ask Caitlin to be his wife.

Important must read

So I was looking through the thing that tells you how many views on how many chapters and it says that no one has read the 2 chapters two before this one if that makes sense so 22 people must be very confused at this point so just go back 3 chapters I think and you should understand the story now thanks x

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now