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Caitlin woke up next to Barry and looked at the clock and woke him up "Barry we are late" said caitlin

"caitlin honey I love you but its Sunday" said Barry in a sleepy voice

"oh" she replied

Barry went back to sleep only to be woken up a bit later "Barry I cant sleep" said Caitlin

Barry sat up and looked at her "why not is something bothering you?"

Caitlin stood up and walked over to draws and pulled out the letter and the box Barry looked at her and Caitlin sat back on the bed and barry put his arm around her as she opened and read the letter out loud. It read

Dear Caitlin

if your reading this are family has fallen apart like I always knew it would I hope you are happy though there's something you never knew about which mum and dad don't want us to know about but I herd them on the phone I'm actually your half sister mum cheated on dad a while back and when I was five you were born and your one of the reasons they stayed together. sorry you didn't find out sooner I thought you needed to know.


Caitlin was in shock so was Barry he wasn't sure what to do at a time like this Caitlin didn't say anything she just sat there in shock "wow" said Barry "yer that's alot of information I always knew Emma was different to the rest off us but why don't you think my parents said anything."

"I don't know maybe they were scered" said Barry not knowing what to say

Caitlin buried her face in barrys neck and closed her eyes to try take in the information she had read Barry made things a lot better some how Barry always made things better and with that thought Caitlin sat up and grabbed the box she slowly opened it.

she gasped and took out a beautiful locket when she opened it there was a picture of all of Caitlin's family from when Caitlin was little and Charlie was a new born baby.

"so what's the story behind the locket."

"when I was 10 my mother gave me this as a birthday present I put I in this box and I forgot about it till now"

"oh" said Barry

Caitlin put the locket back in the box and put the letter on her night stand then stud up "I just want to forget about everything thing all the family drama lets just talk about the wedding and the future and forgot about the past"

"ok if that's what you want" agreed Barry then stud up and walked in to the kitchen to make breakfast

"so lets talk about the wedding lets start small what colour scheme are we going to have?" Asked Caitlin while Barry took the cereal out of the cupboard.

"ok I know its chesy but I was thinking Scarlett"

Caitlin laughed "Scarlett it is my Scarlett speedster" Caitlin said kissing Barry then she handed him the milk and he poured it in to the bowls if lucky charms.

They walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"ok my turn when will the wedding be?"

"I was thinking October I always wanted to get married in autumn"

"ok October It is great it gives us time to plan the wedding and felicity to give birth" said Barry then he leaned in and kissed Caitlin

"are we going to have a engagement party" asked Caitlin

"sure why not we could have it at jitters because it will be a lot easier and calmer I don't want to have a big party where everyone gets drunk and argues then forgets the hole thing the next day" Barry stated

"it sounds perfect and your perfect everything is perfect" Caitlin sighed while laying her head on barrys lap Barry stroked her hair.

"can we stay like this forever" Caitlin continued

Barry smiled "forever" he repeated

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now