Aunt Caitlin and uncle Barry

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October, 2 weeks until the wedding (Oliver's back)

"hey Barry I just got off the phone felicity and Oliver asked to come over here until the wedding I said yes I also said we would babysit Melina" Caitlin yelled from the kitchen

"don't you think you should off asked me" Barry replied

"you would of said yes any way" she sassed Barry smiled at her comment

"when will they get here" Barry questioned

"Wednesday" Caitlin answered


Oliver's car pulled up outside the house and Caitlin ran to hug felicity as she got out.

"hey man" Barry said to Oliver as they bro hugged

"long time no see" Oliver announced

"yer" he replied

felicity took Melina out the car and Caitlin grinned felicity passed her daughter to her aunt Caitlin Oliver watched Caitlin with caution felicity squeezed his hand and they walked into Caitlin's and barrys house.

"ok the guest room is that way" Barry announced pointing down the hall.

"ok thanks for this Barry" felicity said

Caitlin was pulling funny faces at Melina while she was still holding Melina Barry smiled at the cuteness.

"what?" Caitlin smiled

"your so cute" Barry Said kissing Caitlin's head.

At that moment Oliver walked in and took his daughter out of Caitlin's arms Oliver looked down at Melina and smiled.

"so hows the wedding planning going" Oliver asked

"we have finished I already have my dress Barry has his none super hero suite the cakes been ordered and and everything has been booked" Caitlin answered

Oliver smiled then felicity walked in and asked "who's your maid of honour "

"Jesse she's going through such a tuff time right now with her dad going back home in the middle off a fight wally has been helping her though it though so she's getting better" Caitlin nodded.

"ok so do you guys wanna take care of Melina tonight we haven't had a date night in like forever" felicity admired

"Caitlin looked at Barry" and he nodded at her.

"of corse we would to" Barry stated

"felicity are you sure this is a good idea" Oliver whispered

"Oliver this is Barry and Catlin of course we can trust them what are they going to do now stop being so over protective" felicity snapped

Oliver backed off.

"so where do you want to go" he caved in.

Felicity smiled Oliver handed Melina to Caitlin and she looked really happy.

Felicity was bubbling over with excitement...

3 hours later

"ok her bottles are in the fridge nappies are in the bag and she should go to sleep around 7 ish" felicity announced

"we know felicity you have told us a million times now go have fun she will be safe in a super hero remember" Barry chuckled

Felicity kept her mouth shut after that then she walked out of the door Oliver not far behind.

Caitlin played with Melina and Barry watched memorized by her untill Melina started crying Caitlin rocked her back and froth and rubbed her back Barry handed Caitlin the baby bottle and Caitlin fed the baby.

Soon she began to drift asleep Barry was still staring at them Caitlin looked up from the sleeping baby in her arms and her eyes locked with barrys that was the minuet they both knew they wanted this to be there future...

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