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1 month later

"hey Barry I just got a text from Thea can we visit felicity for a few days so she's not alone?"

"sure" he smiled

And they headed of to go see there very blond friend. (so I will just copy the chapter from my olicity fanfic but will tweak it a bit)

Felicity i am going out of town for the week with roy if you go in to labour or something bad happens please call me I will be there right away oh and I asked a couple people to come round and help you "

"Thea you don't need to worry so much I will be fine I my be 8 months pregnant but I am not glass" she said stuffing her face with Mini muffins " who did you call" "you will find out at 2:30 ok be careful there's microwave pizza in the microwave" she said picking up her bags and leaving

it had just turned 2:30 when the door bell rang. "just a minute i need to get up " she tried to stand up. "you no what just come in" barry and catlin walked in.

"Hi you guys" she said hugging them congratulations on the engagement felicity said looking at the ring.

"Sorry I couldn't come to the engagement party"

"its cool its not your fault" said Barry

She sat back down and said " do you want a drink"

"no felicity sit down I will get them"said Caitlin

"so you and Caitlin ha I knew it from the moment I first saw how you looked at her."

"yer I am really happy" he said grinning

"what about you hey what's it like being pregnant Caitlin passed them there drinks

"I am so tired but it will be worth they say."

"you no what I think I will take your word for it " Caitlin kissed Barry then sat down next to him.

"so what are you going to call her"Catlin said with a smile

"I don't no yet I was thinking either Scarlett ,ebony,Lenox,Eleanor , Cassidy and melina"

"They are all beautiful felicity" said Caitlin as she stroked felicity's arm they all smiled

"oh what was that " felicity said in pain they both looked at her

"are you ok" Caitlin asked looking at her friend

"I don't no I don't think so "she said in pain

"Caitlin call Thea tell her the baby's coming"

"no she cant she's 2 weeks early"

Caitlin called Thea as felicity screamed in pain.

"Thea should get to the hospital in about 45 minuets" she said in a rush

"Caitlin your a doctor cant you do something"

"Barry I am not a midwife"

"can I run her to the hospital can I run you too the hospital I will run her to the hospital catlin where's the hospital"

"calm down Barry we will drive her we don't want the speed to hurt the baby and the hospital is 15 minuets away felicity screamed griping Barry's jacket

"Come on its ok just breath" Catlin said said as Her and Barry helped felicity to the car and Barry sat in the back with felicity trying to keep her calm.

"where's Thea " she Groaned

"felicity I promise when we get to the hospital I will get her ok breath, Catlin The contraction's are 1.47 minuets apart.

"we are here" said Catlin as she ran to get a nurse.

"Thea" felicity screamed

And with in 30 seconds Thea was was sat next to felicity thanking Barry as Catlin ran to the car with a nurse and wheel felicity was ran to a room with one bed in it her waters broke Barry and Catlin where in the waiting room listening to her screams.

Suddenly the Screams stoped and there was the cutest cry in the world.

Caitlin and Barry walked in slowly and saw the baby sleeping in felicity's arms.

"she's beautiful" Barry whispered

"yer she is" said Caitlin felicity smiled them

"we should have one" Barry said without thinking.

Catlin had no idea what do or say she wasn't ready for a baby.

She looked at felicity who was looking any where but at the young couple. Then barrys phone went off.

It was cisco he got off the phone about two minuets later.

"Caitlin we need to go cisco said its important" said Barry

Caitlin sighed and kissed Melina's head. "bye felicity" she whispered then Barry picked her up like a bride and ran her back home.


Sorry if its really bad

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now