chapter 8

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You step back into the hotel room and find Ed lying on the couch, sleeping. You peel his dripping red coat off and walk towards your room, placing it on the huge grounded heater [AN: remember, this is in the 1900s] to dry it off. You check the time. 2:57 pm.

Taking off your soaked clothes and changing them out for new dry ones, you collapse on your bed and sigh, closing your eyes. He blames me. The thought of that made you angry at yourself. You let your mind clear of thoughts and just lie there.


You open your eyes again when the room gets chilly. You look at the wooden clock on the wall: 3:14. You get up and turn towards the heater to turn it up higher, when you realize that Ed's coat was covering the vent, the reason why it was cold.

You pull it off and hug it, savoring the warmth. Suddenly, you wonder if Ed's still asleep. Grasping the warm coat, you step out of your room, barefoot. It was chillier outside than in your room, and the press of the cold marble against your feet made you shiver.

You peek into the living room, eyes landing on the transmutation circle on the ground and the small dent where you destroyed the ground to make your small figurine. The small (F/A) statue lays on the ground.

Ed was still on the couch, sleeping, hair in a braid. You tip-toe towards the couch and spread the coat over Ed's body. You stand there and just stare at him. You never realized how cute he looked when he was sleeping, with his hands behind his head and mouth open. You smile. Not to mention his adorable personality, and how he gets mad when people call him short.

You tear your eyes away from Ed and turn towards the door to Al's room.

"Wow, I'm a creep," you mutter to yourself, silently pushing open the door. Al was on the bed, still unconscious. You clench your jaw and walk up to his bed, examining his figure. He look really similar to Ed, except Al's hair was browner. You place your hand on the edge of Al's bed and stare at his peaceful figure. He looked really similar to Ed, though his eyes looked different. You liked how he wasn't as short-tempered as Ed, and how he was so nice to you.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

You sigh and turn around to leave. At the corner of your eye, you see something light up. You turn your head, and at the far side of the room, you see a small, odd-looking contraption, unfamiliar even to your mechanic eyes. You step towards it, curious.

A pain suddenly shoots through you where your left arm was connected to your automail. You flinch and stagger backwards. The automail squeaks loudly. "Looks like it's time for some maintenance."

You suddenly remember that you left your automail stuff at your old workplace. You sigh.

Grabbing a pen and a small notecard, you decide to take a trip back to grab your stuff. You write a note to the brothers:

I went to get my automail maintenance stuff I left at my old workplace. I'll be back soon, don't worry about me :) + I'm pretty sure you need some too Ed

You leave the notecard under the small figurine on the ground of the living room and look out the window. It was still raining, so you grab the provided umbrella from the cabinet and step outside.

Outside, the streets were almost as empty as before. You pop open the umbrella and, holding it over your head, you start walking down the streets that you had begun to call home. Before long, you reach the place of your old job.

Stepping under the small roof, you silently push open the door, causing a jingle from the bell you tied to the door. You hated when people snuck up on you. You step inside. It was completely empty and eerie. The place was dimly lit by candles, and the fire cast creepy shadows dancing across the wall.

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