chapter 33

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(Y/N)! (Y/N)!

No! Don't leave!


He's only using you.

I've been looking for you, (Y/N).

Voices swirl in your mind. You can't see anything, but they seem to be coming closer and closer every second, until each and every voice is surrounding you, suffocating you, and piercing your ears. You feel like your head's about to explode.

The voices grow into an indistinguishable blur of sounds and whispers, and dread fills your stomach, until suddenly-

You jolt up, a small pinch in your right arm. The room is dark, and you feel the same symptoms you felt before. Your body feels like it is burning, but it doesn't bother you like it usually would've. Despite that, your hairline is damp with sweat, and your lungs feel hungry for oxygen. Nausea boils in your stomach, and dizziness worsens the effect.

The pain in your arm persists, but you're not bothered by it, or the bad feelings and symptoms. What troubles you is the dream, no, the nightmare you had that caused you to wake up.

You slowly lie back down and close your eyes, hoping that the dreams wouldn't return.


You force your eyes open, groaning. The pinch in your arm is still there, and when you raise it, you realize there's a needle pricking into the inside of your wrist, where the twist of blue veins were visible. You stare at it, wanting to look away since it looked so... Weird, but not wanting to look away at the same time.

The needle is connected to an extremely thin, clear tube with clear liquid flowing through. You follow the tube with your eyes to see a stand next to your hospital bed holding up a bag of clear liquid, which was connected to a small plastic cylinder. The liquid is slowly dripping from a small hole into the cylinder, which drained from an even smaller hole that lead to the needle in your arm. You stare at it in curiosity.

You feel a lot better, no more nausea, or fever, or dizziness. But there is a numb feeling surrounding you, as if you aren't really in a hospital, like you are dreaming. You notice that your breathing is exceptionally slow, and you slowly sit up.

The hospital room is the same as ever, with the small window to the left and the door to the right. It feels like the room is completely white, though there are small colorful markings here and there, like a pot of pretty blue flowers to your left on the window sill, and a brown couch to the right. The ceiling is a light wooden brown as well, causing a contrast.

Outside, beyond the strewn curtains, dawn light is streaming in, and the window is open, letting crisp, sharp morning air in. It's only 7:16, (not) the earliest you've woken up on your own will.

You think about Ed, Al, and the girl who insisted had no name, and hope that if they're awake, that they know that you're alright. You smile as you remember the brothers, especially Ed. You can easily see his beautiful golden eyes and blond hair, his long ponytail, and his automail arm. You can't help but imagine being held in his arms and being kissed by him.

Suddenly, something shifts in your stomach, in a bad way. Your heart starts beating erratically, and you can't think clearly. Your right arm is pulsing, hard, and without warning, your legs numb over. You can't breathe, and it feels like the air is made of syrup. You simply fall backwards onto your pillow, unable to feel your legs or breathe. You want to curl up to push the nausea away, but you can't gain control over yourself. Your lungs start screaming for air, but you can't suck in anything. You're paralyzed.

That's when everything starts going black.


[December 12, 1917]

Something sharp digs into the inside of your right wrist.

You open your eyes groggily. There's something pressing over your mouth and nose, and a cold weight lies on your chest over your heart.

(The oxygen mask didn't exist back then, but let's pretend! 🎉)

You attempt to sit up, only to be constrained by something. You can only lie back down.

"Nope. Don't sit up just yet, Ms. (L/N)." A female voice says.

Your head turns to your left, where the voice came from, and you realize that the constraint is that someone's hand. There's a nurse, or doctor (you can't tell), wearing all white, with a hospital hat and a mask.

"Why, what happened?" You croak, remembering that you can only whisper. Your voice is muffled by the mask, which is providing you with air.

"You had a drug overdose."

What? Since when?

You turn back to staring at the ceiling. "How?"

"It's... Confidential Government Information. I'm afraid I do not know either."

You grunt, having no energy to argue, and look around. The room is unfamiliar, with no windows, but a door to your left. The white walls press in closely, and there are no decorations in the room.

"Where am I?"

"You're... In the PICU."


"The PICU. Private Intensive Care Unit." (Again, let's pretend that exists xD)

You don't say anything.

"I'll go call for the doctor. He'll be here shortly."

The stethoscope that is pressing against your chest is removed, and the nurse (probably) stands up and walks out the door, closing it behind her. You are left by yourself.

You wonder what day it is, and what time. It always/never bothers you when you don't know the time, but/and you want to know the time and date now.

There's no clock in the room.

You just lie there, bored, and wait. After a few minutes, though, a doctor enters, as promised.

He's wearing a bright green watch.


~please read~

As you guys can probably tell, the action part of this book is wrapping up soon, and I am very bad at wrapping things up. So if there's anything that's unclear or isn't answered (that I prolly forgot to put in) then ask now~



I know my chapters are getting shorter and shorter and worse and worse, but I'm losing inspiration guys 😭 help me! 🔪

I want this book to be good, and I need you guy's help!

Anyways, if you liked this chapter, be sure to vote, comment, share, and most importantly, ENJOY!!!


Uploaded September 6, 2016

Word count: 978 words T_T

I do not own any characters from Fullmetal Alchemist.

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