chapter 19

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Your mother bends over your dead body, shaking with grief. Your friend stands off to the side wordlessly. Slowly, your mother reaches into her pocket and pulls something out. Your friend watches.

The object your mom is holding is chalk. She sets the tip of the chalk on the ground and shakily starts drawing a circle. She draws layers upon layers of circles and intricate designs laced into every small space. When it is done, your friend recognizes it. It's a human transmutation circle. She gasps.

"You can't possibly-"

"If you can bond a soul to anything, then surely, you can bond a soul to a body, right?" Your mom says.

Your friend, (F/N), has nothing to say.

Your mom dips her finger in your pooling blood and winces. She continues and starts drawing a blood seal on your back, pulling your shirt up. She draws the same seal on her arms, legs, face, and heart.

"Mrs. (L/N)! If you do that, you'll-"

"I really don't care what happens to me, just as long as... as (Y/N) can live." She says your name painfully.

Your mom sets both of her hands on the circle, and at the same time, (F/N) launches forwards and pushes your mother away.

"What, are you doing, (F/N)!?"

Your friend looks down to the ground. "I can't let you kill yourself."

"And what!? You think (Y/N)'s death was fair?! If I'm able to sacrifice myself for her, then I'll do it. I'll do anything for her. I'm her mother."

"But you're making a huge mistake! No human transmutation has ever succeeded! What makes you think you'll succeeded?"

"I'm using a different theory." Your mother pushes (F/N) aside and proceeds to press her hands on the circle. A bright white light flashes and your friend stumbles backwards, falling to the ground. When the light is gone, your friend stares at the circle and blood left on the ground, unable to move. But then, she turns to run. To run far away.


"Yeah. Unless you call me a person who's not living, I'm def a successful human transmutation." You write under on the paper.

You smile at both of the boys, who were both staring at you in awe.

Ed points at you. "Y-you're a human transmutation experiment!?"

You give him a whale face, feeling hurt that he called you an experiment.

"What's your secret!?" Ed says, pointing at you again. You smile and shrug, pretty sure you were pulling a mischievous look.

"Tell me!" Ed half yells half talks. You shake your head grinning.

"Never!" You mouth. Ed advances on you, growling. You back up slowly, still smiling. You back hits something. You look up to see Al. He's looking at you, grinning as well. You push away, blushing a bit, but then focus back on Ed.

"Tell meee!" Ed flails his arms. You laugh silently. And skip out of the room, throwing the door closed behind you. You run around the house, Ed chasing at your heels.

"Stop, (Y/N), you'll re-open your wounds!" Ed yells at you. You stop suddenly, and feel around for your stab wound and shoulder injury. Nothing was there. You break into a grin, and start to run again.

Arms wrap around you tightly from behind, and you struggle.

"Too late." Ed whispers in your ear, making you shiver. You twist around to look at him. "Now you have to tell me, or else..." Ed tries to think of something that would lead to your demise, but ends up blushing instead. You smile and suddenly realize that Ed's a bit taller than you. He grew taller! You think.

You come up with an evil plan. You slowly wrap your arms around Ed and go on your tippy-toes, leaning towards his lips. You watch as his eyes widen and his face turn red. You resist the urge to smile.

At the last moment before your lips touch, you freeze and suddenly slip away from his loose arms and giggle, shimmying away. You watch Ed slip away from his daze and turn to you, face completely red.

"(Y-Y/N)!!" Ed stutters at you, embarrassed. You laugh and run away as Ed chases you around with the only thing he could grab, which was a flower pot with a fake plant.

You smile and run. You imagine Ed's flustered face, and wonder how you went from feeling absolute hate towards him to what you felt towards him now. You turn around to see Ed raising his potted plant angrily.

"You know, you aren't half as bad as I thought you were."


Sorry for the short chapter ahhh T_T

I'm in China because of a singing competition and I've been practicing two hours per day and I have jet lag and I have no time to write so sorry (^◇^;)

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, be sure to vote, comment, share, and most importantly, ENJOY!!!!


Uploaded July 30, 2016

Word count: 779 words

I do not own any characters from Fullmetal Alchemist.

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