chapter 26

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An experiment.

You look away from the painful sight.

"(Y/N), do you know how much I worried about you!?"

You close your eyes and take in a deep breath. You push yourself up into a sitting position, but don't say anything.

He's just using you.

You press your lips together and try to push the evil thoughts away, but you can't. They just keep lingering in your mind.

So you look at Ed and whisper, "I'm sorry, okay? I..." You look down. "I almost died."

"What!? Wh-"

"That's why I'm in a hospital, dumbo." You try for a forced smile to lighten the mood.

"(Y/N)." Your nurse cuts in. "It's 1:30 am right now. Why don't you and Mr..." She turns to Ed, but he doesn't say anything, he's busy looking at you.

"Elric." You say for him.

"-Mr. Elric talk tomorrow? You're still sick."

He'll throw you away afterwards.

You want to scream at the doubt growing in you to go away, that you know that Ed wouldn't do that, but it doesn't, and instead buries deeper into you.

"Okay." You agree heavily. You fall back down into your pillow.

"And Mr. Elric here must be punished for breaking into the hospital." One of the three men says. You flinch.

"Please don't," you say, looking at him, "he... He was just really worried about me."

The man shakes his head sadly. "I'm sorry, but it's a must."

"On the bright side," another man pipes in, "it'll be really short, since his offense isn't that bad. Only a few days."

You make a face. "...okay."

The nurse takes a look at you and ushers the people out, including Ed, who gives you a sad look. You try to smile again, but your face probably ends up twisted.

The door shuts, leaving the room dark and quiet except for the spill of light coming from under your door and the sound of shuffling footsteps.


"(Y/N)...." Ed blushes, causing you to do the same.

"Ed, w-what's wrong?" You stutter. Shoot, why am I stuttering?! You think.

Ed seems at a loss for words as his eyes dart across the room, avoiding your eyes.


You become scared, your mind coming up with a million unreasonable reasons.

What if he got a girlfriend?

What if he accidentally kissed someone while walking on the streets?

What if he is actually gay!?

Ed finally flushes a deep crimson red, and he shouts. "It's equivalent exchange, okay? I'll give you half of my life, but in exchange, you have to give me half of yours too!"

You take in a sharp breath, letting the information sink in. "I- uhh- I..." You blush, and try to stop your beating heart and racing mind, and smile giddily. "Yeah, yeah, I'll-"

"B-But promise me something, (Y/N)." Ed looks away, hesitant.

You cock your head, curious.

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