chapter 31

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She shakes her head. "I-I needed to tell someone. I've been holding it in for so long."

You set down your utensils. "What ha-"

"Please don't ask. I... I don't want to talk about it."


You study the girl as she avoids eye contact with you. You can see something deep in her eyes, like fear, and resentment, but you can also see relief and excitement. You study her prominent features, her thin lips and (E/C) eyes, her long, (H/C) hair. You get the sense to suddenly protect her.

You scoot back loudly and smile as if nothing had happened. "'Kay then! Let's leave!"

She stares at you uncomprehendingly for a second, but then, a wide grin spreads across her face.



"Urrghhh my stomach!" You sit on the couch in your suite. It's 10:01, about an hour after you and the girl had gotten to the buffet. "I ate waaaay too much."

Ed casts you a hurt face and flails his arms, running around the room. "WhY dID'Nt YOu INViTE mE!?! I WanTEd tO GO tOo!!!"

Al presses himself and his cane into the corner to avoid being hit by the double-wrecking-ball-Ed. The girl sits on the armchair off to the left side of you.

You watch as Ed runs around the room in complaint.

You grumble. "You're so annoying."

Ed suddenly freezes mid run, and you freeze too.

He slowly lowers his arms, and you can hear his automail clink as the pieces hit and rub against together.


He rigidly turns his head, and you can almost hear the robotic creak. His eyes are dark and there's a scary aura surrounding him.

"What... Did you just say...?"

"N-nothing!" You whimper.

"Are you sure?"

You don't reply.

*anime mode on where some violence does not actually cause harm*

Instead, something dings in your head, and you almost smile. Your gaze flickers to Al and you give him a short but meaningful look.

"I said: ARE YOU SURE?" Ed growls at you.

You reach behind you and magically pulls out a hammer.

Whoops. Wrong tool. But whatever.

Ed's eyes widen and he loosens his stiff posture, loosing his dark aura and eyes. This time, it's Ed who says, "Uh-oh..."

You grin evilly and raise your arm, swiftly throwing the hammer at him. He attempts to dodge, but fails.

"Brother!" Al yells in defense.

"(Y/N)..." He whines. You give him no mercy and advance on him again. You grab the hammer from its lodged position in his head and hit him again with it. He shrinks into a little ball and you whack him again. Then, you throw the hammer off to the side and lean down to whisper. "You're not scary enough to scare even half of me."

Ed flinches away at your words in his ears, eyes wide and afraid, entire body trembling. You step back and laugh, the girl behind you suddenly bursting into laughter like she had tried to hold it in but failed.

Al staggers to Ed and he kneels down, tapping on Ed. He is lifeless. You smirk and stand up.

"Now you know who's the alpha here."

Ed nods his head weakly and turns back to sob into his hands.

Suddenly, you hear voices in your head and gasp. Not one, but many. And although you can't make out what they're saying, each and every voice fills your mind and heart with a bit of resentment, a bit of guilt, all adding up to one big lump of undistinguishable feelings.

Dizziness takes over your mind, a splitting headache suddenly causing you to groan. You hear distant voices — three of them — calling your name, but they only get drowned by the louder sound of other voices in your head.

Your eyesight grows spots of black like black mold and you feel your legs collapse on you. Your knees hit the marble ground, sending sparks of pain shivering through you, but you can't react to it, because the voices become louder and clearer.

The spots on your vision grow bigger and bigger until finally, it covers up your entire line of sight and you fall to the ground.


I'm so sorry for the shortness T_T

Shoot guys I'm losing inspiration and the last time I lost inspiration was on a 34.4 k read Hiro x Reader book (Is This What You Wanted by FrozenInLife (I CAN PROVE IT)) I gave up on auuugh!! I don't wanna give up on this book too...

I have HORRIBLE writers block...

I'm gonna be posting the next chapter in three days because I'm falling behind schedule a bit and I need a day to keep up so sorry :/

Anyways, if you liked this chapter, be sure to vote, comment, share, and most importantly, ENJOY!!!


Uploaded August 31, 2016

Word count: 707 words T_T

I do not own any characters from Fullmetal Alchemist.

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