chapter 51

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It's agonizing. A pain is ripping through your body, taking over every cell, every inch of you. Your head is bursting, something is stabbing into your back, your stomach is cramping, there seems to be pins and needles taking over your extremities, everything is painful. You let out a loud scream.

Suddenly, something seems to move in your head, like there is something worming through your brain. Searching, searching for something. You wriggle and yell in pain at the same time.

After what seems to be forever, the pain stops, and you are left, breathless and relishing the moments without pain.

"Master, I can't do it. Her mind is too guarded." Says a voice loud and clear in your head, drowning out all other sounds.

The ground rumbles, and you finally hear the shouts of Ed and Al. They're screaming, yelling at you and whoever or whatever's causing you to scream.

You look at Ed.

"I-I'm okay." You gasp. He gives you an unconvinced look.

"Your voice is back." He murmurs to you. You realize that it us and wonder why.

"Then," a loud, rumbling voice says, "we'll have to sacrifice her whole body. We must open that portal fully."

The sound echoes through the cave, bouncing off every wall, every surface, but coming from all sides of the cave at the same time. You wince.

"Sacrifice her? No way! Take me instead." Ed yells towards no one in particular.

A laugh echoes through the cave. "You? You puny human! You're worth much less. At least someone who has evaded death! Someone who's souls has been ripped from their body!"

"Then take me!" Al yells, struggling against the holds of the ribbon-like arms.

"No!" You scream as the little black arms tethering you to the portal starts reeling you in. "No, Al! Don't you dare!"

"(Y/N)!" Ed screams.

Suddenly, everything speeds up and you fly towards the portal, so fast you hair whips around your face and the skin around your skin seems to be pulled backwards. You yell is surprise.

The portals starts glowing a bright yellow, so blindingly bright that you have to squint to keep your eyes from watering.

"NO! (Y/N)! NO STOP!!" Ed and Al scream simultaneously.

"STOOOOOP!" A voice echoes around the room, and everything seems to pause, the pulling, the portal, time itself.

And you're not imagining it. The arms stop, the room goes quiet, everything is silent and unmoving.

You look around. The girl is in front of you, on her knees. She's crying, shaking with the same sadness in her eyes. Her (E/C) eyes bore into you, and you remember that she looks a lot like you. You gape at her.

"Please. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). It's all my fault! I-I got too close to you! I shouldn't have tried to get too close to you... I didn't mean for it to happen a day early, I-It's not right! Master! No.. you're not my master anymore. I can't call you that. We don't share the same goal! But please! Don't take her!"

You don't know what to do, and only stare. "What are you talking about?"

"They're gonna take you and sacrifice you, (Y/N), to open the gate, They've spent so long planning this, I'm so sorry. I didn't understand, it's all my fault this is happening."

"What? I don't get it, how is it all your fault?"

"I helped them!" She wails in despair. "I wanted to go back! I didn't know it was you! I couldn't just stay here! They're gonna sacrifice you into the gate and tear apart your body and your mind! They're gonna use you! It's all my fault. If you're lucky, the gate might let you go back, but that's only if your soul knows where to go."

Sacrifice [Edward Elric x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now