Rory's Home

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"I'm back!" Rory yelled while looking in the window.

"I'M COMING!" Lorelai yelled back as she ran down the stairs, on the second to last step she fell, "Oh crap. I'm okay!"

Lorelai opened the door and hugged Rory. "I missed you, kid!"

"I missed you too, where's Luke?"

    "At the park with the kids."

"Aw yes I miss Tera and Emma! Can we go see them?"

"Sure." Lorelai said "get in the car."

Lorelai drove to the park and Rory got out. "Luke! Emma! Tera!" She called out.

"Rowwy!" Emma said, she couldn't quite say her "r's" correctly yet, but it was adorable.

"Hey Rory." Luke said.

They all went to hug her.

       "I missed you." Tera said

   "I missed you too Tera!"

Lorelai, Luke, Rory and the kids all went out to eat in celebration of Rory coming home. "Where's Jess?" Lorelai asked.

  "Um, he' the apartment.." Rory looked away. "Hey I'm hungry. Let's go to Lukes."

"Why not something fancy? We go to Luke's almost everyday." Lorelai knew something was up.

"Okay.. Sure thanks mom. Lets stop home first. I want to change."

"I'll go inside, you wait here. I'll only be 5 minutes." Rory said as she rushed out of the mini-van.

"Something's up." Lorelai said. "She's not being herself. Something happened...and I'm worried."

"I don't know, maybe she's just tired." Luke said.


They waited 20 minutes and Rory was still inside.

"Mommy! I gotta go potty!" Tera said.

"Okay, come on let's go." Lorelai took Tera inside.

Tera went to the bathroom while Lorelai waited in the living room. Then, she heard a banging sound. "Tera, honey you okay in there?"

"Yes mommy! All done!"

Lorelai heard the noise again and told Tera to go to the car. The noise seemed to be coming from upstairs. Lorelai went up the stairs and went into her room. She heard crying, it was Rory. Rory was sitting on her mom's bed holding the necklace she gave her for her 3rd birthday.

"Oh Rory." Lorelai gasped as she embraced her daughter in a hug. "What's wrong."

Rory kept sobbing. She couldn't help it, she was so upset.

"It's okay baby, it's going to be okay, tell me what's wrong." Lorelai hated to see her daughter cry. She absolutely hated when Rory was upset.

"'s *sniff* Jess..we aren't staying married. We got *sniff* in a terrible fight. He *sniff* doesn't love me." Rory began crying again.

"That Jess! What a fool, he is missing out. You're the best girl in the world. He's such a jerk." Lorelai consoled.

"I can't believe this is happening, I loved him." Rory began to cry and the two sat together for a while.

{end of this chapter, the next will begin in the same setting}

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