Baby Stuff

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3 months into Rory's pregnancy.

Rory and Jess lay next to each other and Jess is talking to Rory's stomach.

"Hey little one."  He said as he kissed Rory's belly.

"Jess, that's so cute!" Rory loved this.

"You have the cutest baby bump." Jess kissed her. "I can't believe we are going to be parents!"

"I know!" Rory couldn't believe it either.

Rory and Jess went over to visit Luke and Lorelai.

"Hey mom, I want to talk to you."

"Sure Rory, what's up?" Lorelai and Rory went to the other room to talk.

"Mom, I just want to tell you that I love you so much. You've raised me well, we have been through it all. I've been rude, and I've hurt you, we've gotten in fights, but we always came out strong. Through everything, I want you to know that I aspire to be just like you. You're my role model, Lorelai Gilmore. No one could replace you and no one could be a better mom. I just, love you so much, you've sacrificed so much for me. You're my..hero." Rory wiped her tears, they were happy tears. Lorelai was crying too, hearing Rory say this made her heart so happy.

"Rory, sweetheart. I love you so much."

This was such a sweet moment they shared.

Rory hugged her mom.

"Swear you'll never leave me okay. Be with me every step of the way through my pregnancy."

"Of course, of course Rory. I'm never leaving. I'm here and I always will be."

2 months later

Rory had a doctor's appointment, she was getting an ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby.

Rory, Jess, Luke and Lorelai all waited with Rory, they all were excited.

"Ms. Gilmore?" The nurse said.

"Yes?" Rory got up.

Jess and Rory went to the room, while Lorelai and Luke stayed back. Lorelai grabbed Luke's hand. "I remember when I was in there."

Luke stoked her hair. "Me too, it was so exciting."

Rory got up on the table. Jess grabbed her hand. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The nurse said that she would be right back, she was getting tools and supplies.

"What do you want? A boy or girl?" Rory asked.

"Honey, as long as it's ours, either one is perfect."

"I feel the same."

The nurse came in, got Rory all set up and began the ultrasound.

"Look." The nurse pointed to the screen. "That's your little baby. Wow, she sure is beautiful."

"It's a girl!" Rory happily yelled, and looked at Jess. "A little, perfect girl."

Jess was sensitive, as much as he wanted to seem tough, his heart was soft and he couldn't hide that.

The doctor came in. "Hello, I'm Doctor Shepard."


"Let me have a look at your ultrasound." Dr Shepard examined the screen. All of a sudden he stopped. He just stopped and stared. "Amy, get Dr. Hernandez."

"What's going on?" Rory was freaking out. "Tell me, what's going on?!"

"Ms. Gilmore, I need you to calm down."

"No! Is there something wrong with her?"

"Ms. Gilmore, stop. We have this under control."

Rory was squeezing Jess's hand, and Jess squeezed hers back. He sat in the bed with her, he put his arms around her.

The doctor came back in.

"Ms. Gilmore...your babies lungs aren't growing right. There's something wrong, if we don't fix this, your baby might not survive. Giving birth now, getting a C-Section, your babies chances of survival is under 30%. Listen, Ms-"

"No. No. No. Okay look, no. My baby will live okay. She's going to live!" Rory was screaming. "She has to live!"

"I would love for her to live. We will do everything we can. You need to come back in 3 weeks, when your baby will be 6 months. The chance of survival goes up to 50%." Doctor Shepard went over to Rory and Jess. "3 weeks, come back."

Jess and Rory left the room, Rory told Luke and Lorelai what happened.

They all went home, the mood was now gloomy. No one was happy anymore.

Jess and Rory went home, Rory sat on the couch. She didn't eat for 3 days, she barely slept. Rory got up once to try and eat, she saw Jess walk up behind her.

"What am I going to do?" Rory fell to her knees, she covered her face with her hands. Tears flooded her eyes, she was crying with such force, everything hurt.

Jess kneeled beside her. He kissed her head. "Everything is going to be okay, we're going to the doctor, we are getting everything fixed. It'll be okay."

"But what if it's not." She sobbed. "What if everything isn't okay?"

3 weeks were up, they went back to the doctor. They checked in and waited. The doctors came in, they did a check up. Rory was going to have a C-section. Her baby was going to be delivered early, if everything went well.

Jess called Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Richard, and Lane.

"Rory's having the baby." He told each one.

Everyone came, Rory was having her C-section.

2 hours later

A doctor, Dr. Anderson came out. "Are you guys with Rory and Jess Mariano?"

"Yes." Lorelai said.

"Come with me."

The doctor took them through the hallway, and showed them a room. "Look."

"Oh my goodness." Lorelai gasped.

Tears rolled down Emily's face.

Luke hugged Lorelai.

Richard hugged Emily.

Lane cried as well.

"She's beautiful isn't she." Rory and Jess came walking down the hallway. Inside the room, was a small baby, wrapped up in a pink blanket, inside the incubator. There was a tag on the front.

"Evangeline Lane Mariano." Rory said. "That's her perfect name."

Lane went over and hugged Rory. "You named her after me, Rory! That's so sweet."

They all looked into the room, they all admired the beautiful baby. Rory and Jess both thought the same thing. This is our precious daughter, and we will never let anything happen to her.

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