It's going to be okay

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"Stay here, I'm going to tell the rest to come inside." Lorelai kissed Rory on the forehead.

"Mom, don't go..please."

"Rory, I'll be right back I promise. I can't leave them in the car not knowing what's going on."

"Right. Okay."

Lorelai went downstairs and to the van. "Hey Luke, we have a situation. Tell the kids to go play in their rooms."

"What's going on?" Luke asked, concerned.

"Rory, there's been a situation, and you need to go help her because your love and support means a lot to her."

"Of course, I'll be there, where's Rory?"

"Upstairs in my room."

Lorelai took the kids to the play room. "Come on girls, lets go play."

Luke went upstairs.


"No, it's Luke, your mom's downstairs..uh." Luke wasn't too good with comforting people, but it came easy with the people he loved.

"Oh." Rory said.

Luke waked into the room and saw that Rory had been crying. "Rory, are you alright?"

Rory immediately felt embarrassed, she knew Luke well, he was her step dad, she knew him her whole life and she loved him, but crying in front of him made her feel vulnerable.

"I'm sorry." Rory said. "That you have to see me like this. I'm so...just sorry..."

Luke went over to her and hugged her. "Don't be sorry, just tell me what's going on."

"It's Jess...we aren't staying married anymore."

"What? Why?!" Luke stood up. "What the hell did Jess do to you, I'm gonna kill him!"

"No, Luke. Please." Rory began tearing up again. "It's not all his fault. We had a big fight."

At this moment Lorelai walked in. "Hey sweetie, what was this fight about?"

"I told him that...I wasn't ready for kids, he wanted them right away after we got married. He was all over me during the honeymoon. I said I wasn't ready. I guess this is my fault. Look at me. A 24 year old crying because of hurt feelings. This is something Emma and Tera would do." Rory immediately took it back. "No, I didn't mean it that way. Tera and Emma are sweet angels..." Rory's face was red and the tears stung her cheeks.

"I'm taking care of this." Luke raised his voice and ran out to his truck.

Lorelai and Rory were too upset to stop him. They both sat back and Lorelai turned on their favorite movie and made coffee.

Luke sped down the road, he was getting really angry and he yelled out the window when someone honked at him. "Up yours!" Luke flipped the finger. He got the piece of paper with Jess and Rory's apartment address. He pulled up to the apartment. Floor 3 Door 15.
Luke banged on the door. "Jess! Jess!! Open up right now! I know you're in there. Jess!"

"....who is it." A small voice said. It didn't sound like Jess.

"It's Luke! Now open up."

Someone opened the door. It WAS Jess. He was wearing sweat pants and a sports t-shirt. "Luke..before you freaking murder me-"

"Jess how dare you! JESS I OUTTA HURT YOU. Do you realize what you've done? Rory is hurt, she's been crying her eyes out because of you."

"Luke, I know. I know. I'm sorry for that, I messed up too-" Jess stopped to rub his eyes. "One second.." Jess went to the bathroom and locked the door. He began to cry to. He wanted Rory back, he never meant for this to happen. How dare he let his words slip and say such things to her. His kept thinking of the last words he said to her. "Fuck you Rory, all you care about is yourself. Who would want to marry you?" Damn it! He thought. What the hell is wrong with me. What did I do why would I say that?! Jess went back out. "Luke, let me talk to her. Please."

"Oh hell yeah you will. Get in the truck."

The car ride was only 5 minutes but it felt like 5 years. Jess and Luke did not speak the whole way. When they got home, Jess waited outside while Luke went up to get Rory. "Rory hun, Jess is outside. He asked to talk to you."

" okay." Rory went outside to see Jess.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. My words slipped I said things I shouldn't have. I screwed up. I don't deserve you. I deserve to die." Jess meant what he said this time.

"Jess.. I love you. It broke my heart to hear you say that to me. I'm sorry, I'll have kids if you want. Okay?"

"No, Rory! If you don't want to you don't have to. It's up to you, I won't be mad. I swear I'll never get mad ever again. All I could think about was you and what awful things I said."

Rory began to cry again.

"Rory damn it don't cry, you're too beautiful." Jess wiped away her tears and they kissed. "Come on my wonderful bride. Want to go tell your mom and Luke we made up?"

"Yes." Rory said. "I think it's all gonna be okay."


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