Who's Back?

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Stress and drama is taking over everyone. So much had been happening, they all wanted it to stop. Lorelei felt that she wasn't spending enough time with her kids, and Luke felt like he wasn't spending enough time with Lorelai.

Meanwhile, things with Rory and Jess were pretty calm, for now. Rory went shopping when she saw Lane. 

"Hey Lane!"

"Rory! Hello! I've missed you so much, what have you been up to?"

"A lot, family drama, stuff like that."

"You know you can tell me anything?" Lane reassured. 

"I know Lane, thank you, that's why I am glad that we're best friends."

"I love you Rory, stay safe, if you ever need anything, at any time, I'll be here. I swear, nothing can separate us."

"I love you too, and same goes for you. I'm always here." 

Rory and Lane shared a hug, and kept shopping. Rory got finished and headed over to to Luke's, she was starving. 

"Hey Luke!" Rory waved.

"Hey Rory, have a seat, anywhere."

"Luke, I have been coming to this diner ever since I can remember, sitting anywhere is what I do...learn my way Luke."

"Haha, I know, sorry." 

Rory took a seat at the counter, "I'll take a french toast please."

"That's it?" Luke looked a little confused, normally the Gilmore's ate a lot, he had no idea how they kept so skinny. 

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry." Rory lied. She was trying to slim up, she wasn't fat, but she just felt that way.

"Alright, french toast coming right up....Ceaser! French toast!" 

Rory ate, then dropped by The Dragonfly. 

"Hey Michel, where's mom?"

"I don't know, I do not keep track of your mother's every move, who do you think I am?"

"Alright, I'll find Sookie."

"You do that."

Rory checked the kitchen, good, Sookie was there. 

"Oh hey Rory!" Sookie said as she handed Rory a spoon, "Try this, it's my new pasta sauce." 

"Mmmm. this is so good! Do you happen to know where my mom is?"

"No, maybe check the dining room?"

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem sweetie."

Rory headed out to the dining room, she gasped. Her mom was sitting with someone, she could not believe her eyes.

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