The Fight

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Rory sat in Luke's diner and was reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' She had read it a couple times, but it was on of her favorite books.

"Rory, it's getting late." Luke said. "Need a ride home?"

"No thanks, I brought my car."

"Okay, I'm going to the back to clean up." Luke headed to the kitchen and let Caesar leave. Rory stayed and drank her coffee as she read her book. The door opened, it was April, Luke's daughter.

"Hey April." Rory smiled.

"Whatever." April roller her eyes and sat at the booth.

Rory was appalled. April never was rude like that to her, she was always so sweet.

"April, what's wrong?" Rory offered her support.

"Um, leave me alone chicka"

"Hell no, April what is your problem, you're not acting the same." Rory frowned.

"I thought you were smart? I said leave me alone." April rolled her eyes.

"Listen sister, you can't talk to me like this, I never did anything to you."

"Yeah, right. If it wasn't for you and you damn mother, Luke and I could have sometime to hang out. He's my father. I'm more related than you are."

Rory's face was red with rage. "Don't ever talk bad about my mom, it's not my fault you showed up out of nowhere, you made Luke and my mom get in a fight! You ruined their relationship."

"Haha, I wish. Would've been great without you two in the picture." April laughed.

"Ya know, Luke doesn't even like you! He felt bad for you! He was so embarrassed of you, he didn't tell my mom about you! So..hah!" Rory grabbed her book and stormed out. She slammed the door on the way out.

Luke heard all the yelling, and the slammed door and rushed out of the kitchen.

"What's going on? Where's Rory?" Luke worried.

"She left, she's so mean." April led on a fake cry. "She said you were embarrassed of me!"

"Rory? Rory Gilmore said that?" Luke couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." She sniffed. "As soon as I came in here, she got all mad at me!" April lied.

"Hmm." Luke pondered. "I'll talk to her later....want some coffee?"

"Yes, dad. That would be great." April smiled. She had him right where she wanted him.

Meanwhile, Rory sped home to Jess. She ran in and slammed the door.

"Ugh!" She yelled. "I hate teenagers!"

"Woah, what's going on?" Jess asked.

"April! That bitch! She came at me in the diner all rude talking bad about me and my mom. The nerve she has."

"Wow..." Jess sat down. "You need coffee."

"Damn right I do!" Rory stomped her foot.

"Babe...calm down..."

"How can I? Calm down?! Ha!" Rory called her mom.

"Hey Ro-"

Rory cut her off. "April came at me so rude! She was totally a bitch to me, she wants Luke all to herself. She talked bad to me and you, ugh I'm so-"

"Slow down there. Come over."

"Okay." She hung up the phone. "Jess, I'm going to my mom's, come with?"

"Sure." Jess grabbed her hand. "Rory, be good about this." He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. "It's gonna be okay."

"Thank you, Jess." Rory was a lot calmer now.

They arrived at Lorelai and Luke's house.

Rory rung the doorbell about 20 times.

Luke came to the door. "Stop it damn it. Don't go all crazy on me, you already did on April."

"What?" Rory screamed. "Me? Yeah, well your WONDERFUL daughter badmouthed me and my mom. She was totally rude."

"Not what she told me. You said I was embarrassed at her?"

"Yeah..." Rory looked down. "I was mad, she really hurt me. I hate when people-" Rory's eyes teared up. They were sincere. She tried so hard to hold them in. "Luke, I'm sorry..."

" she came at you?" Luke fixed his hat.

"Yeah... It doesn't matter. I said wrong things. Please let me in, I wanna see my mom."

Luke let them in and Jess went to the living room. Rory headed upstairs. On her way up, she looked down and saw April sitting in a chair. April saw her too. She saw Rory's tears and felt a little bad. She was so mad, never meant to hurt Rory. She just wanted her father back. What's gotten into me? April thought.

"Mom!" Rory yelled for her mom as a little child would.

"Sweetie, come here." Lorelai stroked Rory's hair and kissed her. "April told me everything. Now she'll tell Luke. She was mad and she was really sorry."

"Seriously?" Rory hugged her mom, out of everything she knew she could trust her mother the most.

Rory headed back downstairs and heard a little of April and Luke's conversation.

"Dad, I'm sorry I lied. I started it. I just wanted you all to myself..." April and Luke hugged.

"It's okay. But you're a teenager. You and Rory need to be friends. She can help you in life, she's experienced in a lot of things. And I know she loves you." Luke said.

"I love her too." April smiled. "Tell her to come down here and I'll apologize."

"Sure thing." Luke went up for Rory.

Rory head down stairs and Luke saw them making up. Good. He thought and smiled. My daughters need to be friends.

Rory and April hugged. They both apologized for their bad actions.

"Bye everyone!" Rory said.

"So movies tomorrow at 4:15?" April asked.

"Yup! See you then!"

"Looks like you are on good terms?" Jess put Rory's hair behind her ears.

"Yeah!" She cheered.

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