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"Wa-waah-waaaaaaah!" Evangeline cried. She had just gotten back home, she had to spend 3 weeks in the hospital because of her health issues and being premature. Little Evangeline lay in her crib, crying. Rory was trying everything. She held her, tried to feed her, changed her, soothed her, put on soft music, and gave her a pacifier. Nothing worked, Evangeline cried and cried.

"Come on Evie, stop crying, sleep for mommy." Eve kept on.

Rory heard the door, Jess was home.

"Jess, help. Please. Eve won't stop crying."

"Coming!" Jess rushed to Rory and Eve.

"Come here sweetie." Jess picked up Eve. "Shhh, daddy's here." The crying slowed, then finally stopped.

"Ah! Thank you!" Rory was relieved. She plopped down on the bed.

Jess laid Eve down in her crib. "There ya go."

Jess laid beside Rory and he kissed her. "We deserve sleep don't we?" He laughed. He looked over, and Rory was already asleep. Jess smiled, he was the luckiest man in the world.

The next morning, Lorelai and Luke came over to help Rory and Jess with the baby.

Lorelai picked up Evangeline. "Oh sweetie, look at you! So precious."

Luke came over. "Rory, she's beautiful, just like you."

"Thank you, Luke." Rory hugged him.

"I howd baby, Rowwy!" Emma jumped up and down.

"You're a little young, Emma. Maybe wait a couple of years." Rory patted her on the head.

There was a knock on the door, it was Lane.

"Lane!" Rory greeted her. "Thank you for stopping by."

"Sure, no problem!"

Everyone was paying attention to baby Evangeline and Emma got jealous. Emma threw herself to the ground. "Tewwa pushed me!" Emma began bawling. "Mommy!!!!"

"I didn't push her!" Tera crossed her arms. "You're lying!"

"Stop it girls!" Luke grabbed Emma. "No! No! Lemme down!" Emma was kicking and squirming.

"Emma settle down!" Luke yelled. "Stop acting like a brat!" Emma bawled louder. "Mommy!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry." Lorelai told Rory. "I'm so sorry."

"Mom, It's okay. I understand."

Lorelai went over to Luke and Emma.

"Take her." Luke handed Emma to her.

"Momma! Momma!" Emma was screaming.

"What's wrong?"

"I wanna go home!"

"We are here to be with Rory. Don't you love your older sister?"

"...yea." Emma stopped crying.

"Now, go tell Rory and Tera that you are sorry for acting like this."

"Okay mommy." Emma walked back the room they were in.

"Sowwy Tewwa." Emma hugged her. "Sowwy Rowwy."

"It's okay, Em." Rory picked her up and showed her the baby.

Emily and Richard showed up.

"Hey grandma and grandpa!"

"Hello Rory."

Emily and Richard went over to see Evangeline.

"See, this is how you're supposed to do it. You get married, and you have a baby. Your life is so much batter when you do that." Emily expressed her hurtful opinion.

Luke saw the troubled look that took over Lorelai's face. Lorelai let herself out of the room. Luke followed. Tears were slowly streaking down her face.

" 'Get married, have a baby.' " She mocked. "My life is perfect, who cares if I wasn't married when I had Rory. She's perfect, I love her." Lorelai said to herself. Luke came up behind her and hugged her.

"Don't listen to her."

"All my life, no matter what, Emily Gilmore, my wonderful mother has something to say. You know, I wouldn't change the life I'm living for anything. If I had married Christopher, I wouldn't have married you, and then my life would suck."

"I know." Luke chuckled. "Love you."

"I love you too."

Luke went back and Emily stepped out with Lorelai.

"Lorelai, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"You never do mean it, you just love to say without thinking, right Mom."

"Lorelai, I am apologizing aren't you happy?"

"Thrilled." Lorelai said sarcastically and walked off and grabbed Luke and the kids. "Rory, I'm sorry, but we have to leave."

"Okay Mom. Bye...I love you." Rory hugged her mom.

"I love you too."

The rest of the night went slow.

"Welcome to the real world."
Rory said as she kissed Jess and went to sleep.

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