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Rory woke up, she was in her mom's room, but her mom wasn't there. Rory walked downstairs and didn't see anyone. Where is everyone? She thought.

"Mom?" She called out.

"Your mom's not here." Luke said. "Are you doing alright Rory, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Rory said and she rubbed her eyes. "I'm fine."

"Look, I'm so sorry about last night, I should have never said what I did."

"It's okay Luke." Rory suddenly felt sick. She ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Rory? What's wrong?" Luke ran to the bathroom, "Hey, I'll call your mom." 

"No's fi-" She puked again.

Luke called Lorelai. She came as soon as she could.

"Mommy?" Emma had woken up.

"'Mommy isn't home, she's going to be back soon though." Luke picked Emma up. Emma began crying.

"Mommmy!" She wailed.

"Here lemme take her." Rory offered.

Rory picked Emma up. "Shh, it's okay. Mommy will be back."

"I miss mommy!"

"I miss her too sometimes. She's coming back soon."

Luke admired the way that Rory was with the small child. She handed her so well.

The door bell rang.

"There she is!" Rory set her down.

"Mommy!!!" Emma ran to the door and Lorelai picked her up.

"Hey Rory, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just got sick. I don't know why though. Maybe stress?"

Later on that day, Lorelai made lunch, and invited Jess over. She made Rory's favorite, homemade pizza. Rory loved it all her life, and the kids liked it too.

"Yummy!" Emma and Tera said.

Rory took a bite. "Oh my gosh." She ran too the bathroom and started throwing up again.

Lorelai went over, "Rory are you sick?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, I always used to love this. It's crazy, I craved chocolate in a salad yesterday."

"Rory! You're probably...take a test!" Lorelai seemed excited.

"No, I can't...I can't be. Last time we used protection. no."

"Take a test." Lorelai grabbed one out of the cabinet. "Just take it.."


Thoughts raced through  Rory's head. Was she pregnant? Was she really pregnant?

She was waiting for the results. She paced around. Time was up.

"You look at it, Mom."

Lorelai looked. "'s...negative."

"I'm so relieved." Rory lied. "I'm so happy, I'm not pregnant." Rory began tearing up, "Yay, no baby.. I'm thrilled."

"Come here..." Lorelai wrapped her arms around Rory. "Don't cry, hun."

"I'm just so thrilled." Rory lied again. "Mom...I wanted a baby."

Lorelai grabbed her hand. "I know. It's gonna be okay."

Jess came over. "Everything alright."

"Yeah, fine." Rory pushed past and went upstairs.

"What's with her?"

"Jess, she's upset. She's just...let her be for a while."


Jess took Rory home, Rory scheduled a doctors appointment. She thought she was really sick.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"I've been throwing up, hating foods I used to love, and I took a pregnancy test, It was negative."

"Take another, maybe you didn't take it at the right time." The doctor said.

"Okay." Rory took it again, more waiting. Finally, it was ready. She looked...

She began crying, but this time, because  it was positive!

She left the doctors and went to Luke and Lorelai's. 

"Mom!" She handed her the test. "I'm pregnant!"

"Rory!" Lorelai began crying too. She remembered when she found out she was pregnant. She wasn't thrilled at the time, but once she held little Rory in her arms, she was thrilled. Now her baby was having a baby.

"Go tell the others. I'm so happy for you Rory. I love you so much."

Lorelai thought. I'm going to be a grandmother. I'm 38. I'm going to be a grandma at 38. Who cares she thought. It's MY granddaughter!

Luke hugged Rory when he found out. "Aw Rory! I am so excited for you."

"Rowwy baby?" Emma asked.

"Yes Emma! I'm having a baby. He or she is in my stomach right now!"

"Yay!" Emma touched Rory's stomach. "Baby!"

Everyone hugged Rory.

"I gotta go tell Jess!" Rory got in the car and went to her apartment.

"Jess!" Rory ran inside and hugged Jess. "Jess..hey. Guess what!"

"What Rory.." Jess was sulking, he was tired and had a terrible day at work.

Rory decided not to tell him yet, she just went upstairs and laid in bed.

Eventually Jess went up, "Sorry, Rory. What you want to tell me?"

"Well...Jess. I'm...pregnant."

Jess didn't say anything. He just stared at her, then he starting tearing up too.

"I'm so happy..I can't believe it. We're having a baby!" He picked her up and kissed her over and over.

"I'm going to be a dad. You're going to be a mom!" Jess kissed Rory over and over.

Everyone was happy now, and it was going to stay that way for a while.

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