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"Logan please..." Rory said as Logan got closer and closer to her.

"Rory! You know you want to!" Logan was getting mad, he wanted her so bad.

Rory remembered that time she lost her virginity to Dean, while he was married. She didn't want Logan, or did she? It was Logan, he was so sweet, and he loved her. No, she thought, she was married, he was married.

" can't." Rory pushed Logan off, she stood there staring at him. The silence went on for about 2 minutes. It was tense in the room, it was awkward. Rory walked out of the room, she wasn't going to mess up her marriage. She loved Jess, not Logan.

Lorelai was standing in the hallway, she knew Rory was in there. When Logan walked out, Lorelai got mad.

"You know Rory, I hate playing the 'mom card' , but right now, I am not to pleased with you. Cheating on your husband with a married man. You've cheated on a married man before, you can't be stupid like that again. Oh wait, I guess you can, and you just did."

Rory ran, she ran past everyone, and headed towards the door.

"Rory!" Emily went after her. "Rory! Come back!"

"I gotta go." Rory ran out of the door and just kept running, she headed home, it would take her hours, but she didn't care anymore. She wanted away from them.

Logan, Emily and Lorelai went outside.

"I brought her here." Lorelai said. "And my car's still here. She must have ran off."

"Oh no.. Damnit Lorelai, she's just like you. This is your fault." Emily said.

"Why don't we stop pointing fingers and look for her?" Logan offered.

"You shut up, this is all your fault. Screw you." Lorelai said.

Logan drove off. "I'm finding her."

Lorelai called Luke and Emily went to get Richard.

"Luke...Rory's gone."


"Luke, Rory ran away. Come here. I'm gonna go find her I don't know where she is, please come here."

"Yes, of course, I'm coming right now."

"Okay, I'm going to go look for her."

Lorelai hung up the phone and got in her car to follow after Emily and Logan. She tried Rory's answer.

Meanwhile, Rory was heading towards the Hartford Bus Stop. She didn't plan on going anywhere, she just wanted away from everything. She called Jess to come pick her up. She told him that she ran away.

Lorelai was freaking out, sobbing, cursing herself for yelling at her daughter.

Emily called Rory about 20 times and Rory ignored each time. Logan called too, and Rory ignored him. She ignored everyone.

Lorelai thought what would she have done. So, she went to the bus station. She would have done that. Lorelai went inside, then saw Rory. She called Emily and Logan, "Come to the bus station."

"Rory!" Lorelai yelled. "Rory, how could you."

"Mom, stop everyone can hear you."

"Good! Rory, how dare you leave, do you how worried I was, what if I never saw you again? What would I do if I never saw you? If something happened to you? How would I live if something happened to my baby?" Lorelai grabbed Rory, she was crying so hard, and so was Rory.

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