Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Marcels POV

So Eleanor was giving me a make over which was totally awesome because I didn't like my look anymore.

I always wore this baige/dark cream coloured cardigan with braces and dark trousers.

'We're gonna curl your hair Harry...' Eleanor started then stopped.

'Sorry I meant marcel' she giggled.

'Ahaha it's ok everyone gets confused, they think I'm harry dressed up as a nerd' I laughed.

'Oh haha anyway lets go and see what clothes we can find you' she pointed me out of the seat and grabbed one of Harry's jackets.

I put it on and admired myself in the mirror.

'Very nice' she clapped in joy.

It didnt feel right wearing Harry's jacket though. I took it off and threw it down on the bed.

'What's wrong?' Eleanor asked me.

'I don't feel right wearing Harry's clothes sorry' I weakly smiled.

'Well let's get you some new clothes then....or actually let's see if we can style up some your normal clothes!'

'Genius!' I exclaimed.


Vanessa's POV

Me and harry were walking around talking but nobody seemed to comprehend who he was. They didn't run up to him screaming or asking for autographs, they all just walked pass like he was a normal person.

'Babe when do you think you wanna get married' harry stopped and wrapped his hands around my waist.

'Babe honestly I don't mind, as long as me and you are together forever it doesn't matter' I smiled and hugged him tightly before he lifted my chin gently and kissed me on the lips.

I wanted to be with him forever but the trouble is you can never guarantee that a couple will be together forever. Like its all for publicity half the time. And I didn't wanna be like that. I didn't want all his fans to be jealous of me.

I didn't want all the harry girls to hate me and be jealous, I didn't want them to think I was taking harry away from them because I wasn't. But I loved him. and at the moment I wanted to stay with him for a very long time.

'Let's go to the mall, I'll buy you a new outfit,' harry held my hand and we slowly walked to the mall across the street.

When we arrived at the mall, their were loads of girls walking around and I kept seeing harry glance at them.

Ufffffff. If he did this one more time if say something.

He did it all the time when I even talked to Marcel , and marcel is his twin brother for sheesh sake.

'Harry snap out of it' I snapped.

'Sorry babe' he tried grasping hold of my hand and I let go.

'What's wrong I told you I'm sorry' he said stopping me.

'Harry you look at other girls all the time. What are you some sort of womaniser.?' I asked, with a tiny bit of rage.

As I was annoyed I started to walk off coz I couldn't be bothered to listen to his excuses anymore.

He ran after me.

'No babe look honestly! if there's something going on that you need to tell me then just tell me but don't hide it. ok'

He walked over to the shop called 'tiny skirts' and smirked.

'Wanna go in here?' he asked.

'Urggh harry no I flipping do not. That's tiny little skirts that won't even fit me. They'd like fit five year olds' I teased.

'That'd be a bit inappropriate dont you think? been as they're tiny and short' harry jogged towards me and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

'Look I'm sorry harry. I don't feel like shopping today. Can't we just go back now I'm sorry'

I yawned.

'Sure babe it's fine anything' harry smiled and put his arm round me.

See that was the great thing about harry he understood and he was there to listen, however he looked at other girls, he was over protective and he thought I had a huge crush on Marcel. But I'm all fairness they looked the same so why should he be offended by that, its not like I had a crush on one of his band members or Josh Devine their drummer was it. No.

As we were walking back my phone beeped and I saw that it was a text off Eleanor.

'Hey guess what!!!'???' I've just given Marcel a makeover you gotta see this!' she texted me.

'OMG we're coming now!!!!!!' I texted back.

'Harry we gotta see this! QUICK HURRY!!!' I yelled and dragged Harry's arm.

'What is it babe?' he asked urgently.

'Marcels had a makeover! we gotta see quick Eleanor have him a makeover!'

I yelled.

Then I stopped in my tracks. Harry was not walking any more.

He stopped and stood looking blunt and annoyed.

'Just go on, I will catch up with you in a min, I couldn't care less about freaking Marcel yh' he shouted.

'Wtf Harry he's your brother, why do you say this all the time. You do. You love him. You cannot say you hate you're brother. Ok' I pointed the finger.

'Ya know what? stuff it then you go on and run to little Marcel I said I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!!' He angered.

A tear stream was rolling down my cheek as I slammed my phone in my pocket not caring of my keys scratched it and not caring if I lost it.

Cuz I think I just lost my relationship with harry.

But I bet you he would come running back for forgiveness.

I ran away back to the hotel we were staying in.

I got back to find Marcel and Eleanor there with the boys.

Marcel had just had a makeover.

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