Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Vanessa's POV

My head was all over the place. Did I love Harry or was I starting to like marcel. My mind was running through all these thoughts like who did I prefer to be with did I really love Harry, the worse thing was that it was just marcel

Eleanor and me now. The boys were on their first concert and we weren't allowed to go backstage until their second concert. Dunno why it was just a rule this time because apparently it was the biggest tour they were starting.

'Hey Vanessa' marcel came in and sat down on the bed next to me.

'Hi' I said glumly.

'What's wrong? don't worry you will see Harry later' he tried to reassure me. Oh he thought I was missing Harry but actually no I was missing to decisions. I was going through mixed emotions about Harry and marcel. I was stuck in between them both.

'Oh urm yh thanks I know' I tried to be nice back.

'Where's Eleanor?' I asked marcel as I heard someone clunking around in the bathroom.

'Oh she's doing her make up. Ready for when the boys get back. She said she had been crying so she was fixing herself up' he explained.

'Okay thanks for telling me Marcel. I better go and check on her you kno just to see if she's okay' I smiled and quickly got up using Eleanor as an excuse to get away from Marcel.

I felt a bit bad leaving him all on his own but he would probably figure out something else to do.

'Eleanor you alright babe?' I asked her as I walked into the bathroom.

'Yeah' she sobbed.

I looked at her like I knew she was lying.

'Ok fine babe I'm not ok. Louis' is didnt seem too happy when he was leaving tonight like it feels like we're slipping apart' she sobbed.

Tears rolling down her face. I grabbed some tissue wiped her cheek.

'Aw babe look I'm sure Louis was just sad to leave you tonight.' I reassured her.

'No I actually think we're slipping away. And what if he does find someone new' she cried

'But how? he'd get caught out, remember you're on tour with him too he can't go far away from you' I said.

'No I mean at these after parties all these celebs go to. Think about all these gorgeous stars that meet one direction everyday. He's gonna choose them over me obvs' she turned away from me and walked into the bedroom as she was still mumbling on.

Marcel had just fallen asleep on his bed.

'Sssh' I said to Eleanor.

Her crying was so gonna wake him up.

'I guess you should just forget about it tonight then we will either see he guys later tonight/ this morning or tomorrow' I hugged her before walking over to my pj cupboard.

'Thanks Ness' she hugged me back.

'Hey wanna watch a movie quietly?' I said to her as I went into the small kitchen area and grabbed a bag of popcorn.

'Sure' she smiled.

She got into her pj's and I got into mine then I picked out a DVD

It was paranormal activity 2.

'OOoooh' she smirked.

We sat on her bed while watching the movie and eating popcorn.

This was gonna be a proper girls night just like we used to do... but there would just be a boy in there too... who was fast asleep.... and he happened to be my boyfriends twin.


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