Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Harry's POV

Okay so I know Vanessa and everyone else were annoyed that I was gonna fight jake so I promised them I wouldn't. Especially for Vanessa. And anyway he wasn't really worth it to be fair.

Me and marcel were just sat on our own driving to the stadium to meet the guys. We were gonna be doing a gig there tonight so we had to go and rehearse.

When we arrived, Vanessa and eleanor were stood there with Liam and Zayn.

'Let me guess louis and Niall are at KFC' I guessed.

'Yepp as always' liam said.

'God they need to stop being so obsessed with that place.' I rolled my eyes as I locked the car. Marcel got out and put his glasses on. He hadnt worn them since we had been in Australia when Eleanor gave him a make over.

'Looking well fit' Zayn laughed.

'Hehee' marcel chuckled.

'Bro why are you wearing them again?' I asked him.

'Well I don't want people thinking I'm you as in "Harry Styles" so I thought if be different' he explained.

'Fair enough.' I shoved my phone and keys in my pocket as we all walked into the doors to the stadium.

*less than 5 minutes later*

'Hey guys!!! guys wait up!!'

'Oooooii curly fry'

Voices shouted over to us.

It was Louis and Niall rushing in.

Niall had his mouth half full with chicken and fries.

'Guess you had a good time at KFC drive through then!' I teased.

'Hehhh yehr wee ad an amezin teem' Niall muffled.

'What. Was. That.?' I leaned forward trying to hear him again. His mouth so full with food he had to swallow before he could speak.

'I said... hell yeah we had an amazing time' he repeated, slower this time.

'c o o l' I answered really slowly, taking the mick out of him.

'Where's gemma?'vanessa asked me as she walked forward.

'At home with mum' I smiled.


'Shall we go and rehearse then? Louis asked.

'Yeah let's go!' Liam sprung in the air with joy as he guided us to the stadium ground.

Vanessa's POV

As we travelled around the stadium we were walking for what seemed to be like ages.

I scanned the group looking for marcel because I couldn't see him anywhere. I just left it for a minute coz maybe I had missed something, maybe be was going to the toilet or maybe he was there but I just missed him when I looked.

But then I was getting really worried.

Something told me he wasn't here. He wasnt here he was not with us. Where the hell was he?

'Umm harry I don't mean to sound worried but where is Marcel?' I wondered.

'He's ther...' as harry pointed over to where he thought he was, he stopped mid-sentence.

'..Wait wait good question where thE HELL IS MARCEL?' harry said with slight anger.

'Marcel? Marcel Styles?' he called, seeing if marcel would turn up. But there was no sign. He began to ring Marcels mobile to see if he was there but there was no answer.

'Let me try' I said trying to pull out my phone. Struggling as it got caught in my pocket.

'Marcel? marcel hello answer your phone it's Vanessa' I left a voice mail.

'Went straight to voice mail' I said glumly.

'Right that's it me and Eleanor will go and find him while you guys just carry on practicing. Look we will find him' I said as I asked if Eleanor was ok with that. 'Yeah sure lets go' she said

'Wait' harry dragged me back. Pulling my waist into his and kissing me on the lips.

'Babe you can't go without one of us guys its not safe' he said as he kept pausing to kiss me in between each word.

'Why not?' I asked slowly pulling away from him.

'Because its getting really dark. One of us needs to go with you and Eleanor' he confirmed.

'Harry you go with Vanessa and Eleanor and I will just practice with Niall, Zayn and Louis if you like. We have hours until the gig anyway' liam offered.

'Are you sure mate?' harry put his hand on his shoulder.

'I'm positive' he smiled.

'Cheers Li' harry replied to Liam.

We all said our good byes and went separate ways.

'Guys I'm scared' Eleanor said.

'Babe it's fine' I told her.

'Yeah you got the Styles master to save you' harry wrapped his arm round both of us.

He was so sweet even to my best friend ;)

'Love you harry' I kissed his neck.

'Love you too baby' he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

'Love you harry!!!' Eleanor teased, imitating a fan.

'Aw you too my biggest fan' he laughed, blowing a kiss to her.

'Anyway back to business. Where are we gonna go first?' I asked as we all got in the car.

'I don't know where he would be.. let's think about this where would marcel go?' harry wondered


Ohh no! whats happened to marcel.

Guys this is my 34th chapter OMG!!

Thanks for all the reads and votes! ily all xoxoxoxoxoxox

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