"Raven returns"

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Beast Boy Pov:

I laid sprawled out across my floor in my unorganized room.

My arms were under my head as i stared at the fan go around and around.

I heard Starfire trying to understand what Robin was saying through his stuttering outside my door. A small smile tugged at my lips as she began to clap thinking it was a game. It feels werid without Raven, it's been two weeks since she's left. I miss her being the first one up and reading at the dining table.

I miss her insults when i purposely annoy her to get her attention. I miss how when i barge into her room, her face turns red from anger and she tosses me out the door.

The smiled soon faded as my thoughts revolved around Raven.

The soft clicking of the clock on my nightstand slowly made my thoughts vanish and my eyes feel heavy.

Not more than a minute later i fell into a deep sleep.

"Beast boy!!" 

My eyes shot open as i felt cyborg shaking my shoulders like a maniac. 

"What?!" I bolted up and quickly stumbled up onto my legs. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Guess who's back?" He smirked as one of his eyebrows creased up.

I felt a huge grin making my lips numb. I changed into a lepoard as i ran as fast as i could to the living room.

Star fire had Raven in a tight embrace as Raven's face was covered by her hood. Robin stayed in the corner, being oddly silent.

I changed into a  human again and ran towards the two girls.

Starfire let go as i tackled Raven. I heard a small gasp come from her lips as we crashed to the floor.

Raven's hood fell off her head and i blankly stared at her. She had heavy bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and her hair was long and dark purple. I'm no hair stylist, but is it possible for her hair to grow that fast?

She pushed me off and nodded to all of us, then she floated towards her room, shutting it behind her.

"Did i do something?" I questioned.

"No raven has been acting different" Starfire said sadly.

No one would look at me as i tried to study everyone's faces.

I walked down the hall and knocked on Raven's door.





"How was your trip? Is everything okay?"


"Rave-" The door slammed open to a paler than usual Raven.

"Go away" She hissed. Then slammed the door closed in my face.

I was about to protest and begin slamming my fists as hard as i could but for once i listened to her. I walked back to my room disapointed and worried.

I brushed my teeth and took off my shirt, leaving me in only gym shorts. I then threw myself onto my comfortable bed letting the silence help me go to sleep.

Screaming made me jerk myself up out of bed.

I sat there listening for it again. And again it came, it was familiar. Raven.

I ran out of my room and barged into raven's ,closing the door shut behind me.

I sprinted to the other side of the bed where she slept intangled in bed sheets. She wore a blue tank top and black boy shorts.

I pryed my eyes away from her body and to her sweat and tear staind face. She screamed again while flailing everywhere. I jumped on top of her, shaking her shoulders.

"Raven wake up!"

Her head tossed and turned until her eyes shot open. They were filled with fear and brimming tears.

I was thrown back. She never crys and she's vareily scared.

Her breathing was ragid and i moved the sweaty strands of hair out of her face.

"Raven are you okay?"

As she finally reconized who i was i saw her eyes go back to normal.

She sat up and her tank strap slid down her shoulder, i moved it back up and saw goosbumps form on her upper arms.

Our eyes met and she quickly looked away.

"Get out.." She mumbled.

I nodded slowly exspecting that.

I got off her and her eyes followed my long strides towards her door.

Before exiting i smiled at her "Night Rave-"

"Wait" She interrupted.

Clearly confused i let go of the door handle.

"Can you.."

She clenched her blanket tighter and i could see that she was slightly trembling.

"Are you okay?"

"Can you stay with me?" Her eyes found mine and her's lingered in desperation.

"Okay" I walked over to the bed and pulled one of her wooden chairs up.

"No" I looked up before i sat down.


"I need you.. close to me" Her eyes lingered over the empty spot next to her.

"Oh" I mumbled. I felt my cheeks burn as i slowly climbed on her bed.

I've always dreamed of this and yet she's willingly letting me lay next to her. Maybe i'm dreaming.

She rolled over so that she couldn't face me but i could see that she was still awake from the reflection of her eyes in the window.

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist underneath the covers. Her eyes went wide and then softened.

I kissed the back of her neck lightly and whispered "Good night"

"G-Good night" She mumbled

I smiled as i heard her soft snores.


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