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Beast boy's pov:

When Raven was done crying we had returned back to the titan tower and i gave the man his money. He left as soon as i gave him the bags and Raven floated out of the room.

"Where are you going Rae?"

"To my room" She whispered.

She looked so sad and her eyes were dull. I bit my lip and grabbed her wrist.
"Can i fall asleep with you?"

Her eyes widened and a hint of pink tinted her pale cheeks "If you want to" 

I nodded eagerly and ran in my room to put on my pajamas. I changed into purple gym shorts and a white v neck then walked into Raven's room. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't even think about knocking, when i looked up i saw Raven  pulling a shirt on over her bra.

My eyes almost popped out of my head due to her black lacy bra and the way it.. snap out of it Beast boy you perv! Raven locked eyes with me and she quickly shoved her shirt on and wouldn't meet my gaze again.

"I'm so sorry,i should have knocked i wasn't even thinking abou-"

"Just get in bed" she mumbled.

I nodded silently and crawled under the blankets, i felt her warm body next to me and rolled over to wrap my arms around her.

Her body tensed up but began to relax.

Her face was buried into my chest and i begged that she wouldn't notice how fast my heart was beating.

"Beast Boy?"

I looked down "Yes?"

She leaned into my chest more and i felt my whole body begin to warm up "How would you spend your last night with me? Say that you'd never see me again after tonght"

I furrowed my brows together "why are you asking me that?"

She shrugged slightly "Just curious"

I cleared my thoat and began making small circles into her back with my finger.

"Well i'd tell you how much i love you and how i'd never be the same when you'd leave. I probably couldn't sleep or go past your room without breaking down. I feel like all my thoughts are completly consumed by you alone."

She stayed silent so i went on.

"Being truthful?"

She nodded and i let out a sigh.

"If you would have let me i would have made love to you"

I felt her body tense up and i stopped making circles. She sat up and her long purple hair fell off one shoulder with one of her straps slipping down the other one.

"You would..make love to me?" She whispered the last part and she looked super innocent when she whispered it. I chuckled and nodded shyly.

"Hey you wanted the truth"

"I know, but i mean why? I never thought any guy..would want me like that."

she stared at her hands in her lap as some of her hair fell over her eyes.

I smirked "Are you serious? Your fucking hot! Good god when i saw you in that bra i nearly fainted. It was to much for my tiny mind to handle."

She chuckled at the insult towards myself. She looked up biting her lip and a faint blush lingered on her cheeks.

I looked away and scratched the back of my head "I'm sorry i blurted that out.."

I felt something crawl ontop of me and when i looked up Raven's face hovered over mine "R-Rae?"

"Act like it's the last night you'll ever see me again"

And with that she crashed her lips onto mine. I felt a sweet bliss run through my body as i forced her to come even closer to me, i needed her and she drove me crazy.

I slipped my tongue in her mouth and she didn't protest. I took my shirt off and her's came tumbling after.

The night had just begun.


I woke up to the bed moving. I peaked one eye open and couldn't believe that i just had sex with Raven, my Raven.

I sat up slowly and noticed it was still dark out, i looked at her alarm clock and it was three in the morning. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and i saw Raven dressed her uniform and making a portal.

"Where are you going?" Her back tensed up and she wouldn't turn around.

I quickly shoved my gym shorts on and stood off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked more sternly.

"I have some unfinished buisness to attend to" Her voice held no emotion and that scared me, what was she going to do?

"Raven, please tell me where your going?"

She turned around with the bright portal behind her spinning. Her cheeks were staind with tears and a sad smile washed it's way to her lips.

"i got my last night with you, now i need to go"

Her question last night..

I felt my lip quivering "Don't leave me.. i just got you back Rae"

"I have to go"

I shook my head as tears began to well up in my eyes. "Don't leave, you just became mine"

She walked over to me and caressed my wet cheek with the back of her hand "No, i was always yours BB" She kissed me with all the emotion she could muster up and walked back to the portal.

"At least tell me why your leaving" I begged.

She let out a sigh and put one foot into the portal before turning her head "I'm going to kill my father"

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