"Surprise visit"

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Beast boy Pov

I sat on the couch watching tv, in reality i was blankly staring at the screen as tom and Jerry sped across it.

Lost in my thoughts.

I wonder what Raven is doing.

She hasn't been out of her room in a couple of days and it's most likely my fault.. she hates Tera. Which i don't know why, she's sweet..at times.

The clock made rather obnoxious ticks that my brain decided to pay attetention to until i jumped off the couch and walked towards my room.

As i walked down the hallway, Raven floated out of her room.

My heart rate sped up as she came closer, i bit my lip expecting her to do something, say something, but all she did was nod at my direction and head to the kitchen.

I stopped walking and spun around watching as she slowly floated out of the hallway, she looks paler that usual, is that even possible when it comes to her?

To be honest i always liked her skin, it was flawless and in the winter it looked almost like the color of snow. I remember last December we were in front of the titan tower and there was just a blanket of snow in our lawn we all made snowmen except Raven who meditated in the air.

I begged her to at least make a snow angel with me and she sighed and agreed.

"Fine but only once!" She hissed.

I watched as she fell back into the snow, goosbumps erupted up her arms and legs but she slowly relaxed.

She closed her eyes and began forming her snow angel with a smile tugging at her lips.

That smile was rare and when you saw it, it blew you away. 

I sighed as i ran a hand through my hair and continued walking to my room.

As soon as i closed it i heard a knock at the door, irritatation formed in the pit of my stomach, i slammed the door open "What?!"

I saw my pissed off girlfriend standing in front of me "Well hello to you too"

She pushed past me and into my room and for once I didn't want her to be here. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts but now I have Tera here. She sat on my bed grinning at me "Come here" She ordered.

I strolled over to her and she grabbed my purple shirt collar, inching me even closer to her. Our faces were almost touching and she whispered "Do you want me BB?"

I couldn't answer that.

She didn't wait for my answer which i was grateful for, instead she smashed her lips onto mine. I fell ontop of her as she interwined her fingers in my hair. She released and began tugging my shirt off, i threw it to the floor and when we kissed i closed my eyes and opened them seeing Raven underneath me with tears in her eyes begging for me to kiss her again.

I jumped up and off the bed rubbing my eyes repeaditly. When i looked back i saw a confused Tera in only her bra and her shorts. "Whats wrong?"

I stared out the window and tugged at my hair "You need to leave" I mumbled.

"Did i do something wrong?" Her voice became stern and when i turned around she quickly tugged on her shirt and stormed over to me.

"What's up with you?" She snapped.

"Look i just need to be alon-"

"So you can spend more time with the goth girl? Are you cheating on me?"

I was thrown back by her lack in trust by me but then again i did fall asleep in the same bed as Raven the other night.

"No i'm not and the goth girl's got a name you know"

"I don't give a shit about her!"

Before i knew it we were in each other's faces screaming. Cyborg walked in but that didn't stop our yelling war.

"Fuck you!" She snapped.

"No thank you!" I screamed back.

"Are you leaving me for the creepy demon in there?!" She pointed to my wall since Raven's room is right next to mine.

I got as close as i could into her face, my nostrils flared and terror began striking in her eyes, cyborg quickly pulled me back.

"Leave Tera! I'm done with you! Go!"

She grabbed her belongings with tears rolling down her cheeks "Fine" Her voice trembled.

She stood in the doorway and looked back at me with bloodshot eyes "I'm sorry for ever loving you"

Then she walked out making me feel like a low life. 


"Leave!" I tossed random stuff everywhere in anger and Cyborg quickly retreated from my room, leaving me angry and confused.


So yeah 0.0

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