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So since i got over 1000 reads i decided to do a double update :3


Beast Boy's Pov:

He chuckled softly and my irritation was at it's peak. I was about to run at him with everything i had when cyborg stepped in.

I stopped almost running straight into him, i slitted my eyes at him "what?" I growled.

"I need to talk to you" Cyborg gently tugged on my shirt. I yanked out of his grip and nodded.

We walked over towards the door.

"BB she's dieing and he can get the virus out.." I stared at the ground
"I know"

"Well do you really think pissing him off will make him want to help us" He hissed.

"He's trying to take her away from me..he's gonna give her to trigon" Just saying his name tasted like poison on my tongue.

"Look maybe we could think of a different method of getting Rae?"

"Like what?!" I yelled in his face.

We were both thinking the same thing. There's no way we could defeat Trigon, if we let him take her he'd just lead us to trigon and i don't have that amount of money..

"Yo asshole"

Cyborg shot me a glare but the man lifted his head with a smirk "Yes sunshine?"

"Give me two hours and i'll give you your money and you can have the virus"

He cocked an eyebrow "Fine but a minute more and i leave with the cutie over there"

I nodded and opened the door, i looked back at Raven and mouthed 'I'll be back'

Raven's pov:

I watched him walk out of the door and immediatly i felt nervous.

I feel so weak.

The man stared at me with a grin plastered on his chapped lips. He rocked in a small wooden chair and whislted an annoying tune.

He began to laugh and i tilted my head up "What's so funny?" I mumbled.

"Think about it. You guys obviously have no money, well at least the amount i want. Yet all of a sudden the green man has that amount lying around?" He chuckled "i think your little friend there is gonna do something illegal"

I don't recall Beast boy having even enough to buy a game at the video game store. He would never..steal..would he?

"Your so gorgeous" He leaned closer towards me and smiled "If i were him i'd steal to" He laughed "Well i already do that for fun but ya know"

Where did cyborg find this guy?

"so when the green dude fails i'll have my fun with you then we'll head to your daddy okay?"

"He will not fail! and what do you mean fun?"

I covered my legs with my cloak suddenly feeling uncomortable.

"well.." He mumbled "A gorgeous thing like you left un touched i don't think so" He winked and began to chuckle. I shuddered in disgust.

"Leave the girl alone " growled Cyborg.

I stared  at the door begging for Beast Boy to come back soon whether it was stolen money or not. At this point i don't care. 

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now