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Raven's Pov:

"How does she look?"

Cyborg? Where am i?

"I've never seen something like this"

Who is that?

Why aren't you answering me! 

I tried sitting up to scowl at Cyborg for not answering me but i couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me.

What's going on? 

I felt panic rising up until the events came back. Cyborg punching me and then i fell off the roof onto the pavement..

Am i dead?

I never imagined that i would be able to still hear them.

"What's going on in here?"

Beast boy?

"Go beast boy" Cyborgs voice was strained but demanding.

"No, what is he doing to Raven?" I heard heavy footsteps come close.

Touch me..
I want him to hug me, anything! I need his touch..

Death is more painful than i thought it would be, this is torture.

Please talk, i want to hear his voice yet i don't. It's so painful yet my body is craving it.

"Go BB"

Don't go.

"What's he putting on her?! What is that?"

What's happening?!

Please let me move! I need to speak to them! I need to know what's going on.


A unknown voice hissed out.

"Fine" Venom laced his voice and i began to panic.

Don't leave me beast boy! Don't leave me alone with this unknown man!

His footsteps became more and more distant.

Don't leave..come back.

I want to live! For once i want to live and see his goofy grin and listen to his idiotic jokes, i want him to crush me in a hug, i want his lips, i want to see his face light up when he eats his tofu bacon or when he gets another violent video game. Or when he turns into a kitten and cuddles up against me to get some thing he wants.

I want my Beast boy. I want him to be only mine, i don't want to be without him.

"Beast boy!"

Beast boy's pov:

I don't want to fight with cyborg I don't want to even look at him for what he did to Raven so i headed for the door when i heard..

"Beast Boy!"

I froze in my tracks, i must be dreaming.

I thought i heard it from her sweet lips. I slowly turn around and see everyone frozen to the spot staring at Raven's hospital bed. My eyes finally land on a freaked out Raven. She's sitting up with tears falling from her gorgeous eyes. Her hair is messy and in her face. Her chest is rising up and down from her paniced state and she's staring at me with wild eyes full of despiration.

I can't say anything, because i'm stunned and so happy!

I fall to my knees and stare at her numbly.

"Beast boy.." Her lips quiver as her eyes fill with more tears.

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now