"Waking up"

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Beast boy's pov:

I slowly peaked one of my eyes open as a blinding white ceiling came into view, the events before i passed out flashed before my eyes and i jerked myself up.

"Raven?!" I began screaming like a maniac, but i need to know if she was alright or not. I began yanking Iv's out of my green arms as i franticallly looked around the empty room.

I tryed to stand up but fell quickly on my knees, "Raven!" I tryed supporting myself up with the metal hospital bed.

"Beast Boy! Calm down" I felt arms wrap around my waist and the familar sent made me calm my nerves.

She was fine.

My chest rose and fell with a quick pace from my panic attack.

I turned around and crushed her into a tight hug. Her arms tightened around my neck, i winced slightly but i didn't mind. The pain was worth it, anything i went through was worth it as long as it was for my Raven.

She let go and looked me into the eyes as her thumb soothingly caressed my cheek. I cupped her face and pressed my lips firmly against hers. I savored her taste and felt her wet tears slip down her cheeks.

She rested her head on my chest as i drew tiny circles into her back.
"Your an idiot" She laughed through a sob.

I smiled and playfully pouted "I am not"

"I love you"

Her statement echoed through the room and i felt a huge goofy grin spread across my face, i couldn't get rid of it, in that moment i was most likely the happiest man alive.

"I love you too Rae"

She cleared her throat and awkwardly looked at me.
I looked up as i cocked an eyebrow  "What?"

She bit her lip and looked me straight in the eyes

 "I..uhm.." She let out a defeated sigh and i cupped her face "Just tell me" I whispered.

I braced myself for her to leave me again, or fly out of the room. To hear awful news about her father or how she actually doesn't want to be with me.


I nodded then the words finally hit me "Wait what?!"

She half smiled and i hugged her. I was shocked, scared, happy, to overwhelmed for all of these emotions at once.

I sighed with a huge smile on my lips.

"You happy about our happy ending?" she playfully shoved my shoulder.

I shook my head and she cocked an eyebrow.

"The only thing that's missing is a ring on that finger of yours, then everything would be perfect"

Her face went bright red and she bursted into a sobbing mess on my shoulder. I smiled into her purple hair.

"I love you rae"

"I love you too BB" She said through cocked sobs.

I felt my face heat up at the mention of my nickname that Raven never called me.

Everything felt right.

*OH gosh. This is the last chapter :c

It finally hit me when i finished that last sentence. But all's well it ends well c:

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as i have! xoxo

Keep a look out for more of my books other then "Keep me safe"

Thanks for reading everybody! You gave me the motivation to write this.

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