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Beast boy Pov:

I've been sitting in my room all day and it's now eight at night. Cyborg tried talking to me but i never opened the door for him. Starfire dropped off dinner and Robin asked if i was okay,concerned, but not once did Raven come.

I had my head in my hands as i sat on the end of my bed, did i actually think she would come to check on me?

Earlier i hadn't even relized, while kissing Tera i was pretending it was Raven. I feel messed up for doing that to Tera and i need to get my head sorted as well as  these new surfacing feelings.

I looked down at my messy floor, sitting here being confused isn't going to do me any good, maybe i should talk to her?

I stood up and grabbed a purple plain v neck from off the floor, slipping it on. I walked out of my room and went next door. I was about to knock when i immediatly ran a hand through my hair, if she even agrees to talk to me what will i say.

"hey so while Tera and i were about to get it on i imagined you were the one i was doing it with instead of her'

I scowled at my relfection in the metal door. Real smooth beast boy.

I just knocked anyways thinking about just laying my feelings all out in the open, she can either call me a pervert or accept them.

When i knocked i got no answer.

I knocked again.

I heard stuff being knocked over in the room and without knocking i ran inside. Raven was passed out next to a night stand with random objects smashed to the floor. There was a star made out of stones? I believe in the middle of her room and candles with smoke flying up from them.

I crouched down and lifted her head into my lap "Raven?" I stroked her cold cheek and her eyes slowly pryed open. I gasped her appearance was aweful she looked deathly ill.

"Raven what's wrong?" I furrowed my brows in confusion and terror. Was she okay? What's going on? Was she trying to summon something? Is she in trouble?

She stood up slowly and began pushing me out of her room "Leave" She demanded weakly.

I stood my ground and walked back over to her bed. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me whats going on"

I stared at her with slitted eyes and she closed the door, glaring at me.

"Your lucky im in a weak state.." She whispered.

"Tell me what's going on" My voice became more demanding and cold. I needed to know, i was worried and i hoped she would trust me enough to tell me if she were in any danger.

She let out a nerve racked sigh and slid down the door with her face in her hands, her body began to tremble.

I stood up to go comfort her when she said something so terrifying , so heart shattering that I stood there frozen.

"Beast boy i'm dying"



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