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Beast boy

I stood outside of Raven's door, she threw me out about ten minutes ago and my feet won't move.

I should have declined her offer last night but her eyes were so vulnarble and she seemed so lost. She was so beautiful that i had a mind to just go back in that bed and blow off Tera.

But i had feelings for Tera as well as Raven and i'm already starting a relationship with Tera i can't go back and say i need time to think. To me that would seem wrong to her.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and i answered it, still deep in thought.

"Beast boy!" A cheerful tone shouted through the phone.

"Uhm who is this?" I blinked and finally took my first steps towards the kitchen.

She chuckled in the phone "Your girlfriend, are you half asleep?"

I smiled weakly even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah just woke up"

I felt guilt riding up in my stomach. I should tell her about sleeping with Raven, relationships need trust. But what if she leaves and gets the wrong idea.

"Were both honest with each other right?"

She hesitates then i hear her suspicious tone "Yeah..why? Do you need to tell me something?"

"Well..yeah, i can't keep secrets from you"

I heard shuffling then she cleared her throat. "Continue"

"I slept in the same bed as Raven last night."

The line went silent and i couldn't even hear her breathing.

I felt awful, i nervously tapped the tips of my fingers on the side of my leg.

"Tera?" I whispered.

"Did you kiss her?"




I heard her let out a sigh that seemed to be from frustration, i don't blame her.

"Stay away from her" Her voice was dark and demanding.

My eyes widened "But she's on my team, i can't ju-"

She cut me off "I said stay away from her or it's over" Then she hung up. I stared at my phone and bit my lip. I had to avoid Raven now. This might be easy since she's probably angry at me now, besides all she ever did was insult me.

I slowly stuffed my phone in my pocket and walked in the kitchen where cyborg was cooking bacon. He hummed to himself as he wore a apron making me try to contain giggles.

Cyborg turned around with a amused grin. "Like it? Starfire got it for me"

"Makes you look beautiful" I busted out laughing and he stuck his tongue at me "Your just jealous"

"Sure, we'll go with that"

I sat down at the table and cyborg spun around holding a a piece of un cooked bacon.

"Hey could you go get raven?"

I looked out him with wide eyes then tried to cover up my uneasiness.

"Get someone else to do it.." I mumbled. I propped my chin on my hand as i stared absently out the window.

"Okay then.." Cyborg shut off the oven and slowly walked past me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just fine" I watched as the sun finally hit the top of the sky and the sad reflection of cyborg in the glass window. I refused to meet his gaze.


fhjdf Tera!

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now