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**Decided to start another 'RavenxBeast Boy' Story. Have a great idea for one!**


Beast Boy's Pov:

I stood there watching as Tera's anger twisted face charged at my beloved Raven.I couldn't help, i couldn't do anything but stare. I doubt even if i could do something she wouldn't let me.

Raven stared at Tera calmly until Tera went in for a punch, Raven disapeared and in a second had her hands wrapped around Tera's neck.

My eyes widened, she wouldn't kill Tera, would she?

Raven smashed Tera's body onto the cold cement floor, Tera gasped for air as it was knocked out of her.

Raven sat ontop of the other girl and began punching her face over and over. The dark matter finally vanished, probably from Raven only paying attention to Tera. I sucked in air and ran over to the two girls.

Raven began choking Tera with a blank expression. Tera reached a trembling hand in the air, trying to get Raven off of her until her hand began to slowly go limp onto the ground. I ran over and wrapped my arms around Raven.

"Stop rae!"

Raven gave a little groan while her hands tightened. Tera let out a gurgling noise that made goosebumps run up and down on my green skin.

"Your killing her!"

Raven snapped her attention up at me. He eyes were black and her teeth were gritting together, i slowly found myself frieghtened of her.


Raven let go of Tera who began coughing violently.

Raven began trembling and i heard a faint sob come from her lips. I hugged her but she didn't hug me back.

"I almost killed her.." She whispered.

"I know, but you didn't"

I ran my fingers through her hair as she cried into my shoulder. Tera disapeared, but left the duffel bag in the middle of the alley way.

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now