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I won't be updating tommorow, going to a party :3 so i thought a double update would make up for the lost of tommorow.


Robin's Pov:

Beast boy passed out in starfires arms and tears continued to stream down his face.
She carried him to the tower as Cyborg carried raven, i wrapped her in my cape as Cyborg didn't say anything.

He silently walked to the tower with urgency in each step he took.

My heart ached from a lost of a friend and the huge amount of confusion running through my mind. Why didn't she fight back? We all know that Raven was stronger, she could have taken him. Why didn't she fly?

I felt angry again.

I looked over at Star who held Beast boy firmly in her arms, i was scared for him.
I stared at Starfire, if i ever lost her i don't know what i would do, how i would handle it.I don't even know if i could keep living. Star is my reason to wake up in the mornings. My reason to have a smile on my face. What if Raven was Beast boys starfire?


When we got back to the tower i sat on the couch with my head in my hands. Cyborg took Raven to the small hospital room we had for emergencys. No one went in, we didn't want to see Cyborgs broken face nor Raven.

I tugged at my hair as i felt a tear slide down my cheek, our anger got the best of us..

Starfire's Pov:

I gently laid him on his bed, and he curled up in a ball holding onto his green blanket for dear life. I softly tugged it out from underneath him and placed over his shivering body.

He whimpered in his sleep and had pain written on his face.

"Dear Beast boy are you dreaming of friend Raven?" I whispered. She gently caressed his cheek with the back of her hand and a tear slid down his cheek.

I floated out of his room, i couldn't take looking at him, he was broken.

Cyborg's pov:

I connected Raven to tons of Iv's and called in a Witch. A man who let people cheat death, he was rumored to bring the dead back for a handsome price. I would give him all the money in the world to bring the only reason Beast boy smiled back, raven.

I waited for the man to arrive as i watched Raven lay lifeless on the metal bed. I looked at her and grabbed her small hand. "Please forgive me.." I sobbed into her hand "I thought you would hurt my best friend,  but when i hit you.." I ran a hand over my head in frustration "Why did you say thank you?!" I screamed at her.

My eyes widened "You let me kill you.." The relization hit me like a ton of bricks. You wanted to die.

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now